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List Swipe is a mobile-first jQuery plugin for creating a swipeable list view that allows to reveal an action button when you swipe the row left or right on touch devices.

list-view swipe


jQuery List Swipe

Allows a "swipe layout" in lists, allowing buttons to be accessible on swipe.

This doesn't copy exactly how it works in Android apps like GMail where the swiping triggers the action. This instead shows a button on either side of a list item.

Default Options

{ 	itemSelector: '>', //The item in the list that has the side actions 	itemActionWidth: 80, //In pixels 	leftAction: true, //Whether there is an action on the left 	rightAction: true, //Whether there is an action on the right 	snapThreshold: 0.8, //Percent threshold for snapping to position on touch end 	snapDuration: 200, //Snap animation duration 	closeOnOpen: true, //Close other item actions if a new one is moved 	maxYDelta: 40, //Number of pixels in the Y-axis before preventing swiping 	initialXDelta: 25 //Number of pixels in the X-axis before allowing swiping }

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