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Viewer is a simple jQuery image viewing plugin.Touch SupportZoomRotationScale (flip)Keyboard supportCross-browser support

Gallery Plugins Popup Window Responsive



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A simple jQuery image viewing plugin. As of v1.0.0, the core code of Viewer is replaced with Viewer.js.

  • Demo
  • Viewer.js - JavaScript image viewer (recommended)
  • jquery-viewer - A jQuery plugin wrapper for Viewer.js (recommended for jQuery users to use this instead of Viewer)


dist/ ├── viewer.css ├── viewer.min.css   (compressed) ├── viewer.js        (UMD) ├── viewer.min.js    (UMD, compressed) ├── viewer.common.js (CommonJS, default) └── viewer.esm.js    (ES Module) 

Getting started


npm install imageviewer jquery

Include files:

<script src="/path/to/jquery.js"></script><!-- jQuery is required --> <script src="/path/to/viewer.js"></script> <link  href="/path/to/viewer.css" rel="stylesheet">


Initialize with $.fn.viewer method.

<!-- a block container is required --> <div>   <img id="image" src="picture.jpg" alt="Picture"> </div>  <div>   <ul id="images">     <li><img src="picture-1.jpg" alt="Picture 1"></li>     <li><img src="picture-2.jpg" alt="Picture 2"></li>     <li><img src="picture-3.jpg" alt="Picture 3"></li>   </ul> </div>
var $image = $('#image');  $image.viewer({   inline: true,   viewed: function() {     $image.viewer('zoomTo', 1);   } });  // Get the Viewer.js instance after initialized var viewer = $image.data('viewer');  // View a list of images $('#images').viewer();


See the available options of Viewer.js.



See the available methods of Viewer.js.

$().viewer('method', argument1, , argument2, ..., argumentN);


See the available events of Viewer.js.

$().on('event', handler);

No conflict

If you have to use other plugin with the same namespace, just call the $.fn.viewer.noConflict method to revert to it.

<script src="other-plugin.js"></script> <script src="viewer.js"></script> <script>   $.fn.viewer.noConflict();   // Code that uses other plugin's "$().viewer" can follow here. </script>

Browser support

It is the same as the browser support of Viewer.js. As a jQuery plugin, you also need to see the jQuery Browser Support.


Please read through our contributing guidelines.


Maintained under the Semantic Versioning guidelines.


MIT © Chen Fengyuan

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