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A jQuery circle menu plugin that arranges your menu items along an SVG circle and allows the visitor to rotate through menu items with mouse drag and touch swipe.



jQuery Circle Menu

jQuery Circle Menu is a plugin to create HTML elements anchored to a circle.

Basic Usage

  1. Include jQuery and jquery-circle-menu.js in your document.
<script src="./jQuery.js"></script> <script src="./js/jquery-circle-menu.js"></script>
  1. Include jquery.circlemenu.css in your head.
<link   href="./css/jquery.circlemenu.css"   rel="stylesheet"   type="text/css"   media="screen" />
  1. Create elements in your HTML. The structure requires all list items need to be inside two parent containers.
<div class="wheel">   <div class="wheel__list">     <div class="wheel__list__item"><span>A</span></div>     <div class="wheel__list__item"><span>B</span></div>     <div class="wheel__list__item"><span>C</span></div>     <div class="wheel__list__item"><span>D</span></div>     <div class="wheel__list__item"><span>E</span></div>     <div class="wheel__list__item"><span>F</span></div>   </div> </div>
  1. Initialize the plugin.


Default Rotation

Default value: 0

The defaultRotation property determines the initial position of the first list item.

$('.wheel').circleMenu({   defaultRotation: 90, });


Default dragMouse value: false

Default dragTouch value: false

Default dragDirection value: horizontal

Default rotateDirection value: clockwise

The dragMouse and dragMouse properties determine which event will rotate the menu. The dragDirection value can either be horizontal or vertical. The rotateDirection value can either be clockwise or counter-clockwise.

$('.wheel').circleMenu({   dragMouse: true,   dragTouch: true,   dragDirection: 'vertical',   rotateDirection: 'counter-clockwise', });

Draw Line

Default value: false

The drawLine option will animate a line from the first list item to the focused item. The color of this can be changed with CSS.

$('.wheel').circleMenu({   drawLine: true, });
.circle-menu__circle__svg__line {   stroke: blue; }

Lock Direction

Default value: false

The lockDirection option will lock the list items to always face up instead of outward from the circle.

$('.wheel').circleMenu({   lockDirection: true, });

Focus Rotate

Default value: false

The focusRotate option rotate the focused list item to the default rotation position.

$('.wheel').circleMenu({   focusRotate: true, });



You are required to manually call the focus method by passing the 0 index of the list item to be focused. If the drawLine option is on, it will draw a line from the first list item to the focused item. If the focusRotate option is on, it will rotate the entire menu to anchor the focused element.

var index = 2; $('.wheel').circleMenu('focus', index);


jQuery Circle Menu is licensed under the MIT license. (http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT)

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