Simple circle menu with animation.
This CircleMenu only can add 24 items, if you add more than that, CircleMenu works but the items will overlap each other. Please include Lodash & Tweenmax to your project to make circle menu works.
Define first in html :
<div id="my-circle-menu" class="cm-container"> <ul class="cm-items"> </ul> <div class="cm-selected-container"> <div class="cm-selected-label"> <span></span> </div> <a class="cm-button cm-button-prev" type="button" title="Previous"><i class="fa fa-chevron-left"></i></a> <a class="cm-button cm-button-next" type="button" title="Next"><i class="fa fa-chevron-right"></i></a> </div> </div>
For next and previous button, you can replace it to other font/icon, I'm using Fontawesome.
How to use :
var DATA_ARRAY = [{label: 'Menu 0', url: 'menu-0'}]; var MycircleMenu = new CircleMenu($('#my-circle-menu'), DATA_ARRAY, 'menu-0', {key: 'url'}, CALLBACKS);
Callbacks :
var CALLBACKS = { onInit: function() { console.log('INIT'); }, onChangeBegin: function() { console.log('CHANGE'); }, onChangeComplete: function(d) { console.log('CHANGE_COMPLETE') console.log(d) }, onLoadPageComplete: function() { console.log('PAGE LOADED'); } }
not really implemented