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Simple Angular 2 accordion component with smooth transitions/animations.

Accordion Plugins



Simple Angular 2 accordion component with smooth transitions/animations

Screenshot 1

Live Sample

Running sample can be seen here , but this is not for real use case, so for real usage take a look at the following references: installation via npm, typescript usage, etc

Installation via npm

npm install squeezebox --save

Typescript Usage

Import the module wherever is going to be used:

import {SqueezeBoxModule} from 'squeezebox/dist';

Import the module also in your app module, like:

@NgModule({   imports:      [BrowserModule, SqueezeBoxModule], // here   declarations: [AppComponent],   bootstrap:    [AppComponent] }) export class AppModule { }  

Start using it in the component template:

<squeezebox>     <sb-item>         <sb-item-head>Title 1</sb-item-head>         <sb-item-body>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet</sb-item-body>     </sb-item> </squeezebox> 

or iterate a data list

<squeezebox>     <sb-item  *ngFor="let item of itemsList">         <sb-item-head>{{item.title}}</sb-item-head>         <sb-item-body>{{item.description}}</sb-item-body>     </sb-item> </squeezebox> 


  • multiple:boolean (default: true) => this attribute enable/disable the multiple item expanded at the same time, for example: ... <squeezebox [multiple]="false"> ...
  • collapsed:boolean (default: true) => this attribute enable/disable collapse from the beginning when component is rendered, for example: ... <sb-item [collapsed]="false"> ...
  • collapsed:boolean (default: true) => this attribute enable/disable collapse from the beginning when component is rendered, for example: ... <sb-item [collapsed]="false"> ...


  • onToggled => this output is triggered everytime item is expanded or collapsed, returns true if collapsed or false if expanded, for example:
<sb-item  *ngFor="let item of itemsList" (onToggled)="itemWasToggled($event)">    ... </sb-item>  ...   itemWasToggled(event) {     console.log('collapsed:', event); } ... 


  • refresh => This method is useful when accordion is hidden for example when using tabs or panels that go visible and hidden. It can be called from a SqueezeBox reference via @ViewChild or @ViewChildren, for example following code can refresh all the available squeezeboxes in the current component :
... @ViewChildren(SqueezeBox) squeezeboxes: QueryList<SqueezeBox>; ...  ... onTabActive(event:Event) {     event.preventDefault();     this.squeezeboxes.toArray().forEach(function(s) {          s.refresh();     }); } ... 

SystemJS configuration

Will need to map the module:

map: {     "squeezebox": "npm:squeezebox",     ... } 

And set the package configuration:

packages: {       ...       squeezebox: {          main: './index.ts',         defaultExtension: 'ts'        },       ... 

If you are not compiling third party javascript, you can try the following configuration so you can use generated files:

squeezebox: {     defaultExtension: 'js',     main: 'index.js' } 


Styles needs to be included, imported or copied, also feel free to modify the styles:

<link rel="stylesheet" href="/node_modules/squeezebox/styles.css"> 

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