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colorSelect is a really simple jQuery plugin which converts a normal select box into an user-friendly color picker for easier color selection.




This is a simple jQuery plugin, that turns a select box into a user friendly color picker.


Just include colorSelect.js in your html. Optionally, also include the provided css file.

This is a jQuery plugin, so you obviously also need to include jQuery.

Usage example

<select id="color-select"> 	<option value="#990000">red</option> 	<option value="#009900">green</option> 	<option value="#000099">blue</option> </select>  <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">     $('#color-select').colorSelect(); </script> 

The text inside the option-tags is not displayed, but it's good as a fallback.


The plugin simply creates a tree of divs that you can style to your liking. Have a look at the provided css file for the defined classes.


click here

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