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A jQuery and HTML5 canvas based video color picker which enables the user to select a color and get the Color Code of a pixel of any HTML5 video you specify.




a tool to pick up the Color Value within any frame from a HTML5 Video . support both Vue.js and jQuery

view demo

video resource used in this demo comes from threejs.org/examples/

noticed that your video resource host need to allow CORS , otherwise you cannot use getPixelColor on your canvas, and the project won't work.

use as jQuery plugin

var videoobj = $("#videodom").colorvideo({ 	videoUrl: "https://threejs.org/examples/textures/sintel.mp4", 	videoWidth: 480, 	videoHeight: 204, 	onVideoClick: function(e, colorData) {           $("#colorrgb").html(colorData.rgb.toString())           $("#colorhex").html(colorData.hex)           $("#colorbox").css("background", colorData.hex) 	}, 	onVideoHover: function(e, colorData) {           // if you need to get color data when mouseover, enable this           // $("#colorrgb").html(colorData.rgb.toString())           // $("#colorhex").html(colorData.hex)           // $("#colorbox").css("background", colorData.hex) 	} })  $("#playbtn").click(function() { 	videoobj.play() }) $("#pausebtn").click(function() { 	videoobj.pause() })

use as Vue component

<color-video       videoWidth=480       videoHeight=204       ref="colorvideo"       videoUrl='https://threejs.org/examples/textures/sintel.mp4'       :autoplay=false       @onVideoClick="myclickhandler"       @onVideoHover="myhoverhandler"> </color-video>  methods:{       playvideo(){         this.$refs.colorvideo.$refs.myvideo.play()       },       pausevideo(){         this.$refs.colorvideo.$refs.myvideo.pause()       },       myclickhandler: function (vcolor) {       	// if you need to get color data when click, enable this         // this.pickcolor=vcolor       },       myhoverhandler: function (vcolor) {         this.pickcolor=vcolor       } }

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