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Pickemall is a jQuery plugin which renders your webpage into a canvas image and then you can get the color in RGB or Hex from any page elements.

color-picker Canvas



jQuery plugin for colorpickers. This plugin allows you to get the color of any web page element.


1.0.0 alpha 1

Simple use

var $textInput = $('input[type="text"]')[0], //any text input     $togglePicker = $('.pickemall'); //any div elem      $togglePicker.pickemall({     onChange: function(color) {         $textInput.val(color);     } }); 


{     className: <class name for toggle button> / <default "pickemall">,     buttonClass: <class name for styles for toggler button> / <default "pickemall-btn">,     activeClass: <class name for active button> / <default "pickemall__on">,     cursorPicker: <cursor type for picker> / <default "crosshair">,     rgbResult: <if true then result returns like 'rgb(XXX, XXX, XXX)' else hex string '#XXXXX'> / <default "false">,     screenCache: <if true - canvas (document screenshot) cache enabled> / <default - true>     onChange: <callback function for change picker handler> / <default shows value in console>     html2canvas: <html2canvas props> / <default {}>  } 


This plugin uses html2canvas

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