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Modallery is a lightweight, responsive jQuery/Bootstrap lightbox gallery plugin which display a group of images in a Bootstrap modal with arrow/keyboard/thumbnail navigation.

gallery-lightbox Bootstrap



Magically create images galleries in boostrap modals

Demo Screenshot


You'll need to import 2 files:

  • JS: bootstrap.modallery.min.js
  • CSS: bootstrap.modallery.min.css (Optional. Just import if you want to use navigation or customize)

Modallery also requires bootstrap.min.js and jquery.min.js to work.


It's simple. Just import the files, call the plugin $(document).modallery(); and add the class .modallery on every image you want to show with a data attribute data-to refering which image should open.

CDN: JsDelivr: http://www.jsdelivr.com/projects/bootstrap-modallery

https://rawgit.com/lhcgoncalves/bootstrap-modallery/master/src/js/bootstrap.modallery.min.js https://rawgit.com/lhcgoncalves/bootstrap-modallery/master/src/css/bootstrap.modallery.min.css


<div class="col-md-3"> <img src="img/sm-1.jpg" data-to="img/lg-1.jpg" class="modallery"> </div> <div class="col-md-3"> <img src="img/sm-2.jpg" data-to="img/lg-2.jpg" class="modallery"> </div> <div class="col-md-3"> <img src="img/sm-3.jpg" data-to="img/lg-3.jpg" class="modallery"> </div> <div class="col-md-3"> <img src="img/sm-4.jpg" data-to="img/lg-4.jpg" class="modallery"> </div>


- Data attributes

data-to (required)

Defines which target image should be displayed in the modal.

data-caption (optional)

Just add this in the <img> tag and a caption will appear below the image.

- JavaScript attributes

Set the options below inside .modallery() call.


Default: empty.

Sets the Bootstrap available sizes for modals: sm or lg


Default: '.modallery'

Changes the class who Modallery should find.


Default: 'Image Gallery'

Changes the modal gallery title.


Default: false

Displays a modal footer with links to the others images on gallery.


Default: false

Displays two buttons for navigation between images on modal.


Default: false

Allows to navigate between images using arrows keys.

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