jQuery plugin to create some old school polaroid images. Demo
Proudly supported by apps developers
Download the plugin zipball or you can install it using bower
$ bower install Polaroid
I suggest using velocity instead of standard jQuery.animate()
All you have to do is include velocity.js
somewhere in your page.
Usage of this plugin is very easy, I promise.
Step 1
Include it in your page
<script type="text/javascript" src="path/to/polaroid.js">
Step 2
Create easy markup
<div class="my-awesome-images"> <img src="path/to/image.jpg" alt="My awesome image #1" /> ... </div>
Step 3
Time to rock
Step 4
Captions can be set by using data-caption
attribute for example:
<img src="path/to/image.jpg" alt="My awesome image #1" data-caption="<h3>Me and Mary on vacation</h3>" />
Config reference
Below there is default configuration of Polaroid feel free to override
{ autoPlay: false, duration: 2000, slideBackground: "base64 encoded background or url to background", rotationRange: { min: -7, max: 7 }, shadow: '5px 5px 3px rgba(0,0,0,0.15)', borderRadius: '2px' }
$('.my-awesome-images').polaroid({ autoPlay:true, duration:5000 });
Advanced usage
If you want to use Polaroid with require js modify file as following
define(['vendor/velocity/jquery.velocity', 'jquery'], function() { "use strict"; $.fn.polaroid = function(config) { ... }