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RotateBG is a very small jQuery plugin which allows to fade through an array of background images like a fullscreen slideshow.

background-slideshow background



By: Robert Parham | License: wtfpl.net WTFPL | Version: 1

Rotate and cross fade background images with this simple jQuery plugin.

Basic Usage:

$.RotateBG({ 	// An array of background images to rotate through 	Backgrounds:['img1.png', 'img2.png', 'img3.png'],  	// How many seconds to pause between rotations [Optional] 	Interval: 8,  	// An image that will be displayed while the first image is preoading [Optional] 	LoadingImg: "./img/loader.gif",  	// if LoadingImg is set, this will be the background color behind the image [Optional] 	LoadingBGColor: "#2A2826",  	// Shuffle the Backgrounds array? [Optional] 	Shuffle: true,  	// A function to be executed when the first image is done loading [Optional] 	onLoaded: function(){ console.log("First image has loaded."); },  	// The speed of the crossfade. A number less than one. [Optional] 	FadeSpeed: 0.1 }); 

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