This script uses OAuth in a jquery plugin to authenticate users on your website using their Dropbox account credentials.Pulls the user details from its Dropbox account and displays the same on your webpage.
How to Pull Your Google Buzz with jQuery
gmap google maps plugin for jquery
jTextTranslate: A jQuery Translation Plugin
JQuery Google Translate Plugin
JQuery Google Maps V1.01
Making a Flickr-powered Slideshow in jQuery
Building an interactive map with Raphael
Search And Share with jQuery
Google Powered Site Search with jQuery
Web 2.0 Document Search Site with jQuery
Fun with jQuery Templating and AJAX
FullCalendar with jQuery
Multiple Ajax Requests with Jquery
Bing Instant Search with Jquery and Ajax
Yahoo Instant Search with Jquery and Ajax
Youtube Instant Search with Jquery and Ajax
YoxView jQuery image viewer plugin
Making a Custom YouTube Video Player with jQuery
Like it? Tweet it! with jQuery
jFlickrFeed Plugin
Photobooth with PHP, jQuery and CSS3
RSS Driven Dynamic jQuery News Slider Plugin Dynamic News
flickrGallery – jQuery Dynamic Flickr Photo Gallery with Slider
Facebook Wall Script 3.0 with PHP and Jquery
Making a Simple Tweet to Download System in jQuery
MapIt-Lite a customizable google map in jQuery
jLayout – jQuery plugin
Geo Location with HTML5 and Jquery
Display Facebook Photos To Your Website with FQL and jQuery Lightbox
Open Source HTML5 Audio Player: Boombox.js
jQuery Image Load
zWeatherFeed – Yahoo! Weather plugin for jQuery
bMap – jQuery maps plugin
Display your Favorite Tweets using PHP and jQuery
HTML5 File Uploads with jQuery
Pulling Your Flickr Feed with jQuery
jQuery Lifestream – Create a stream of your online activity
jQuery quickie: Unlimited Scroll using the Twitter API
jQuery FeedFetcher
Adding Weather to Your Site with jQuery and YQL
Latest Tweets Tooltip with jQuery
Hovercard jQuery Plugin for Labels, Links & Information
Embellishing Your Google Map with CSS3 and jQuery
jQuery Geo – an interactive mapping plugin
Knockout a Dynamic jQuery UI
jQuery Slideshow / Image Gallery Plugin: PikaChoose
Address Picker: Display Real Time Map Location in jQuery
SimplyScroll a jQuery plugin for scrolling a set of images/elements
Tweet! jQuery Twitter Widget for your site
Create A Dead Simple Twitter Feed with jQuery
Making a jQuery Page Flip Magazine with turn.js
tQuery : Extentions for three.js + jQuery with Demo
Timeline : jQuery Storytelling Tool with Demo
Webshims Lib : jQuery Polyfill loading Library with Demo
jQuery Flickr Photobar Gallery with Demo
jQuery Autofill City & State from Zip Code with Ziptastic
jQuery Facebook Multi-Friend Selector Plugin
simpleWeather : How to display weather with jQuery
jQuery Geolocation and Yahoo’s APIs to build a simple weather webapp
GMAP3 : A jQuery plugin to use Google maps
jQuery Picasa Plugin
Redactor : Fantastic WYSIWYG-editor on jQuery
Google Places API – practice
Google Maps Slider with jQuery
jQuery.RSS : Easy-to-use RSS plugin for jQuery
How to grab Dribbble feed with jQuery and CSS3
Flickrshow : Simple Javascript slideshow for Flickr
geo autocomplete : jQuery plugin to autocomplete location using Google Maps v3 API
TwitStream : jQuery, AJAX, and the Twitter Search API
jQuery Infinite Social Wall