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Sticky Elements allows you to stickiness add to your website elements; which, in this case, means that when you hover over them, they get stuck to your cursor and then spring back after set limits.

Core Java Script


Sticky Elements

Everything can stick. Just because.


Getting started

npm install stickyelements and insert dist/stickyelements-animate.js (or build your own bundle using src files)

Then, stick elements!

stickyElements('.item', {   stickiness: 5,   duration: 450 }); 


CSS selector

  • Elements that will stick to your mouse


  • stickiness [Integer, Object]: How long elements remain stick to your mouse. If integer, apply same x and y values. If object, can contain x and/or y key. Integer between 0 and 10. (Default: 3)
  • duration [Integer]: Duration in milliseconds of animation (using animateplus. (Default: 450)
  • pointer [Boolean]: Enable Pointer Events instead of Mouse Events. Elements will stick to mouse, touch and all input types (Default: false). Need PEP polyfill and touch-action attribute on each elements (follow PEP polyfill instructions).

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