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Touch, responsive, flickable carousels

See flickity.metafizzy.co for complete docs and demos.




Link directly to Flickity files on unpkg.

<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://unpkg.com/flickity@2/dist/flickity.min.css">
<script src="https://unpkg.com/flickity@2/dist/flickity.pkgd.min.js"></script>

Package managers

Bower: bower install flickity --save

npm: npm install flickity --save


Commercial license

If you want to use Flickity to develop commercial sites, themes, projects, and applications, the Commercial license is the appropriate license. With this option, your source code is kept proprietary. Purchase a Flickity Commercial License at flickity.metafizzy.co

Open source license

If you are creating an open source application under a license compatible with the GNU GPL license v3, you may use Flickity under the terms of the GPLv3.

Read more about Flickity's license.


Flickity works with a container element and a set of child cell elements

<div class="carousel">   <div class="carousel-cell">...</div>   <div class="carousel-cell">...</div>   <div class="carousel-cell">...</div>   ... </div>


var flky = new Flickity( '.gallery', {   // options, defaults listed    accessibility: true,   // enable keyboard navigation, pressing left & right keys    adaptiveHeight: false,   // set carousel height to the selected slide    autoPlay: false,   // advances to the next cell   // if true, default is 3 seconds   // or set time between advances in milliseconds   // i.e. `autoPlay: 1000` will advance every 1 second    cellAlign: 'center',   // alignment of cells, 'center', 'left', or 'right'   // or a decimal 0-1, 0 is beginning (left) of container, 1 is end (right)    cellSelector: undefined,   // specify selector for cell elements    contain: false,   // will contain cells to container   // so no excess scroll at beginning or end   // has no effect if wrapAround is enabled    draggable: '>1',   // enables dragging & flicking   // if at least 2 cells    dragThreshold: 3,   // number of pixels a user must scroll horizontally to start dragging   // increase to allow more room for vertical scroll for touch devices    freeScroll: false,   // enables content to be freely scrolled and flicked   // without aligning cells    friction: 0.2,   // smaller number = easier to flick farther    groupCells: false,   // group cells together in slides    initialIndex: 0,   // zero-based index of the initial selected cell    lazyLoad: true,   // enable lazy-loading images   // set img data-flickity-lazyload="src.jpg"   // set to number to load images adjacent cells    percentPosition: true,   // sets positioning in percent values, rather than pixels   // Enable if items have percent widths   // Disable if items have pixel widths, like images    prevNextButtons: true,   // creates and enables buttons to click to previous & next cells    pageDots: true,   // create and enable page dots    resize: true,   // listens to window resize events to adjust size & positions    rightToLeft: false,   // enables right-to-left layout    setGallerySize: true,   // sets the height of gallery   // disable if gallery already has height set with CSS    watchCSS: false,   // watches the content of :after of the element   // activates if #element:after { content: 'flickity' }    wrapAround: false   // at end of cells, wraps-around to first for infinite scrolling  });

By Metafizzy 🌈🐻

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