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jTableToCSV.js is a fast, cross-browser, highly-customizable Table To CSV converter for converting tabular data to base64 that is downloadable as an Excel (CSV) file.

excel CSV table-export



jQuery plugin for exporting data to CSV


var tocsv = $('table').elementToCSV({ headerSelector: 'thead', contentSelector: 'tbody' });


(bool) debug (default: true) -- Ouputs debug data through init and data collection run

(string) prefix (default: 'ttcsv_') -- Used for prefixing elements and events raised by plugin

(bool) generateExportButton (default: true) -- create Export button from plugin or not

(string) exportButton (default: '') -- Element to create for triggering export function

(string) exportButtonText (default: 'Export') -- Text used for both button and title attribute

(string) exportButtonIcon (default: 'SVG ICON CODE') -- too big to be listed here. Can easily be replaced by anything you want

(string) exportButtonWrapper (default: false) -- if you want button to be placed somewhere specific, place jQuery/JS/string selector here

(bool) generateDownloadButton (default: true) -- create download button from plugin

(string) downloadButton (default: '') -- Element for triggering download of CSV

(string) downloadButtonText (default: 'Download') -- Text used for both link and title attribute

(string) downloadButtonIcon (default: 'SVG ICON CODE') -- too big to be listed here. Can easily be replaced by anything you want

(string) downloadButtonWrapper (default: false) -- if you want button to be placed somewhere specific, place jQuery/JS/string selector here

(string) headerSelector (default: 'thead') -- selector for wrapper with heading elements

(string) headerRowSelector (default: 'tr') -- selector for row in heading section

(string) headerCellSelector (default: 'th') -- selector for single cell in heading

(string) contentSelector (default: 'tbody') -- selector for content area wrapper

(string) rowSelector (default: 'tr') -- selector for each row in content area

(string) cellSelector (default: 'td') -- selector for each cell in single row

(string) tempColumnDelimiter (default: String.fromCharCode(11)) -- temporary delimeter used in data pre-parsing and preparation -- should not be changed unles you have some conflicts

(string) tempRowDelimiter (default: String.fromCharCode(0)) -- temporary row delimeter used in data pre-parsing and preparation -- should not be changed unles you have some conflicts

(string) columnDelimiter (default: '","') -- delimeter for each single column data -- #should not be changed

(string) rowDelimiter (default: '"\r\n"') -- delimeter for each new row -- #should not be changed

(int) animationTime (default: 250) -- value for animations speed


exportEvent: by default it is 'ttcsv_.export' -- structure is OPTIONS.PREFIX + '.export' -- if you change prefix "OPTIONS.PREFIX" should be replaced also.

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