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contentNavigator is a jQuery content navigation plugin that makes it easy to generate a collapsible Table of contents or Index for a given area of your webpage.



Content Navigator JQuery plugin

ContentNavigator is a JQuery plugin that generates a table of content or index from a page.

This plugin is realy helful when you have a documentation page, a manual page or whatever another long text. Just call the plugin and a table of content will be created automatically.



  • Minimum markup required
  • Easy to specify blocks of contents and titles
  • Titles on table of contents can be collapsables
  • Generates ids for URL hashing
  • Compatible with multiple instances per page


Include JQuery js and plugin’s css and js files in your HTML code.

<script src="/lib/jquery.js"></script>  <link rel="stylesheet" href="/dist/connav.min.css" type="text/css" />  <script src="/dist/connav.min.js"></script>  


Wait until document is ready. Then, you can call the plugin.

$(document).ready(function(){     $('#navigator').contentNavigator();  }); 


Some markup is required. You need to add an element for getting the content table.

By default, titles of the content table will be generated from page headings (h2, h3, etc). An easy way to tell plugin where to search is wrapping content inside a "connav-auto-block" classname element.

<div id="navigator"></div>  <div class="connav-auto-block">    <h2>First Level Title</h2>   <p>Some text here.</p>      <h3>Second Level Title</h3>   <p>This item will be nested.</p>      <h2>First Level Title. Second one</h2>   <p>Some text here.</p>      <h3>Second Level Title</h3>   <p>etc</p>    </div>

Sometimes you need to get more controll over each block of content or you don't want to use headlings. So, you can use default classes for blocks of content and titles: "connav-block" and "connav-title", or use your custom ones.

<div id="navigator"></div>  <div class="connav-block">   <div class="connav-title">Here is a first level title</div>   <p>Some text here.</p> </div>  <div class="connav-block">   <div class="connav-title">Here is another first level title</div>   <p>Some text here.</p>      <div class="connav-block">     <div class="connav-title">Here is a second level title</div>     <p>Some text here.</p>   </div> </div>

For more details, you can see the demos pages.


Name Type Default Description
wrapper string 'body' CSS selector for a wrapper to find content
updateURL boolean false Auto update hash (if id were defined, or id of parents were defined)
autoId boolean true Auto generate id (if no one were defined)
autocontent string 'connav-auto-block' CSS selector for auto content generator.
content string 'connav-block' CSS selector for content blocks. Use it when autocontent is not used.
title string 'connav-title' CSS selector for titles. Use it when autocontent is not used. If is not defined, h2, h3, h4, etc will be use. For level 1 use h2; for level 2 use h3; etc.
indexOnTable boolean true Shows index on table
indexOnContent boolean false Shows index on title content
indexType string '1.1.1' E.g : 'A.1.a', ' .1.1'
nestedIndex boolean true Each index will be have parents' index, so result will be '2.1.a' instead of just 'a'
marginTop number 0 Space between top of screen and block
btnCollapse string '
Markup for collpse button
collapsable boolean false Makes items collapsable
autocollapse boolean false Auto toggle collapsable items of table of content when scrolling.


Event Params Description
connavReady event , instance Fires when table is ready
connavChange event, activeBlock Fires when a block is activated
connavToggleCollapse event, tableNode Fires when an item form table of content is open or close

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