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Loads images, background images, scripts, styles, iframes, videos and audios asynchronously (just 260 bytes).

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Loads images, background images, scripts, styles, iframes, videos and audios asynchronously (just 241 bytes).



Loads images, background images, scripts, styles, iframes, videos and audios asynchronously.

  • nodeList {NodeList} [optional] - A NodeList of elements. By default, it is the result of querySelectorAll('[data-aload]').


$ npm install aload  $ bower install aload 

Note: I recommend to use aload inline in your HTML.

As standalone just include aload function (just 241 bytes) inline into your HTML file:

<script>   function aload(t){"use strict";var e="data-aload";return t=t||window.document.querySelectorAll("["+e+"]"),void 0===t.length&&(t=[t]),[].forEach.call(t,function(t){t["LINK"!==t.tagName?"src":"href"]=t.getAttribute(e),t.removeAttribute(e)}),t} </script>


  1. You should use data-aload attributes instead of src or href in your HTML tags (an image for example):
<img data-aload="http://foobar.com/foo.png" width="400" height="300">
  • data-aload - URL of the source.
  1. Now, you can start to load your images asynchronously!
// Onload window.onload = function () {   aload(); };

You can load everything asynchronously.

  • images
  • background images
  • scripts
  • styles
  • iframes
  • videos
  • audios


<img data-aload="http://foobar.com/foo.png" width="400" height="300">


  1. You must add the following CSS snippet.
[data-aload] { background-image: none !important; }
  1. Your own CSS.
.foo {   background: url('http://foobar.com/foobar.png'); }
  1. In your HTML.
<div data-aload class="foo"></div>


<script data-aload="http://foobar.com/foo.js"></script>

LINK (styles)

<link data-aload="http://foobar.com/foo.css" rel="stylesheet">


<iframe data-aload="http://foobar.com" src="javascript:false"></iframe>


<video data-aload="http://foobar.com/bar.mp4" controls></video>


<audio data-aload="http://foobar.com/foo.mp3" controls></audio>

Progressive Enhancement

If you are a front-end developer you must know about Progressive enhancement. Progressive enhancement focuses on the content and it must be showed without JavaScript.

For example, to show images when JavaScript is not enabled you should include the images inside <noscript> tag.

<img data-aload="http://foobar.com/foo.png"      src=""      width="400"      height="300"> <noscript>     <img src="http://foobar.com/foo.png" width="400" height="300"> </noscript>


  1. Install Git and NodeJS.

  2. Install gulp:

     $ npm install gulp -g 
  3. Open your terminal and clone aload by running:

     $ git clone git@github.com:pazguille/aload.git 
  4. Go to aload's folder:

     $ cd aload 
  5. Move to develop branch:

     $ git checkout develop 
  6. Install its dependencies:

     $ npm install 
  7. Code, code code!

  8. Send pull requests.

NPM tasks

  • npm run dist: Creates a distribution version of aload. You should find two files: ./dist/aload.js and ./dist/aload.min.js.
  • npm test: Runs mocha tests.

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MIT license. Copyright © 2016.

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