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A simple yet useful jQuery plugin that disables form and submit buttons (submit inputs) on submit to prevent multiple clicks on your submit button.



jQuery Disable Form on Submit

jQuery plug-in that can disable a from for a specific amount of time after a submit is attempted. Great for preventing users from double clicking on the submit button and submitting the form twice.

Live Demo


Basic usage with default options:


With Options:

$('form-selector').disableOnSubmit({     option: value });


Option Description
duration Time that the form is disabled in milliseconds. Default: 4000
buttonTemplate HTML that will replace the content of any submit buttons while the form is disabled. false will disable the replacement. Default: 'Please Wait...'
submitInputText Text that will replace the value of any submit inputs while the form is disabled. false will disable the replacement. Default: 'Please Wait...'
Override the duration on a specific form

If your are using a selector that selects multiple forms the duration can be overriden on a specific form by adding a data-disable-on-submit attribute to the form:

<form action="" method="" data-disable-on-submit="2000">
Disable on a specific form using data attributes
<form action="" method="" data-disable-on-submit="false">

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