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PageIntro.js is a lightweight jQuery plugin for highlighting DOM elements and creating step-by-step interactive tours to introduce new features and recommended content on your web app.

Feature-Tour tour



A simple jQuery plugin for new feature introduction and step-by-step users guide for your website and project.

Demo screenshot


You need to install compass and coffee-script:

gem install compass npm install -g coffee-script 

After installation, you need to run the following command to compile the source files:

compass compile coffee -o dist -c src/pageintro.coffee 

At last, you can find the output files in the dist directory.


var options = {   container: 'body',   spacing: 20,   actions: {     next: {       text: 'Next',       class: 'your custom button class'     },     finish: {       text: 'Finish',       class: 'your custom button class'     }   },   entries: [     {       selector: '#example',       text: 'this is example',       onEnter: function () {         console.log('enter');       },       onExit: function () {         console.log('exit');       }     }, {       selector: '#step1',       text: 'text for step 1'     }, {       selector: '#step2',       text: 'text for step 2'     }   ] } PageIntro.init(options); PageIntro.start();



Initialize the pageintro, you need to specify the configuration options here.


Start page introduction show


Finish page introduction show

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