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Filter Select is a jQuery plugin for creating dependent select boxes where options are derived based on the value selected from other select element(s).



Filter Select

A jQuery plugin to filter a select box based on the value of another select box


$(filter).filterSelect([target][, options]);

Where filter is a selector pointing to a select box. The value(s) of this select box is used to filter the values of the target.

The filter select box should have a data-attribute which holds the value of a string to select the target. For instance a select box #first which should filter #second should have data-target="second". The target could also be set as the first parameter of the filterSelect function.

The options of the filter should have a data-reference attribute and the target options should have a data-belongsto attribute. Any option in the target that doesn't have a data-belongsto value matching the selected data-target value gets filtered. See demo.

The filter target can keep an empty value by adding a data-allowempty attribute to it. The value attribute to identify the empty option defaults to '-1'


target String (optional)
CSS selector for the target element

emptyValue String (optional) The value used to identify an empty option

dataString Object (optional)
A plain js object describing alternative names for the data-attributes to be used. The following names can be changed:

{ 	target, // The data-attribute describing which select box is filtered   	reference, // Describes which options get filtered (primary key)   	belongsto // Describes which filter the option belongs to (foreign key)   } 

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