A customizable jQuery plugin that emulates the menu in the Path application. Includes a selection animation and various animation options for opening and closing the menu.
xBreadcrumbs jQuery Plugins with Demo
Sexy Drop Down Menu with jQuery & CSS
Perfect signin dropdown box likes Twitter with jQuery
jQuery Mega Select List with Demo
Collapsing Site Navigation with jQuery
Simple Toggle with CSS & jQuery
MobilySelect jQuery plugin
Simple jQuery Flickr Style Tooltip Menu with Demo
How To Create a Cool Animated Menu with jQuery
Vertical Scroll Menu with jQuery Tutorial
How To Create a Stylish Content Slider using CSS3 & jQuery
An Awesome jQuery Plugin For Creating Magical Layouts – Isotope
jQuery Horizontal Accordions plugin: Easy Accordion
Overlay-like Effect with jQuery
Slide Down Box Menu with jQuery and CSS3
Overlay Effect Menu with jQuery
Halftone Navigation Menu With jQuery & CSS3
Colorful Content Accordion with CSS & jQuery
Blend Effect navigation menu in jQuery
Beautiful Slide Out Navigation: A CSS and jQuery Tutorial
Rocking and Rolling Rounded Menu with jQuery
Awesomeness-Filled Navigation Menu
Flyout Ribbon using jQuery and CSS3
Awesome Cufonized Fly-out Menu with jQuery and CSS3
Memu – A simple CSS JQuery Menu
Sticky Section Headers with jQuery
jCrumb jQuery plugin for breadcrumbs
Sliding-Sliding Doors – Animated jQuery Menu
Multi-Level Accordion Menu in jQuery
A Simple and Effective jQuery Dropdown Login Form
Elastic Thumbnail Menu – jQuery And CSS
Animated Content Menu with jQuery
jQuery Configurable Context Menu
NavDock – jQuery dock style menu
jOrbital menu
Expanding Image Menu with jQuery
Making Better Select Elements with jQuery and CSS3
jStackmenu with jQuery
Nice And Simple Toolbar For Your Website With CSS3 And jQuery
RocketBar – A jQuery And CSS3 Persistent Navigation Menu
How to Create a Drop-down Nav Menu with HTML5, CSS3 and jQuery
Creating a Fancy menu using CSS3 and jQuery
CSS3 jQuery Dropdown Navigation in WordPress
jQuery Waypoints: Scroll-Based jQuery Functions
Moving Boxes Content with jQuery
jQuery Drop Down Navigation Menu
Google’s imageless buttons with jQuery
Wijmo jQuery UI Widgets
Slider Kit – Multiple Slideshow Types In One jQuery Plugin
Pop! a simple jQuery dropdown Menu
Advanced docking using jQuery
Floating social bar with jQuery and CSS
Absolute Floating Menu with jQuery
jQuery Sliding Pictures Menu
jQuery jsContext a Custom context menus
$dropDownPanels – JQuery Drop Down Panel Menu
JQuery roll over two level horizontal menu
Nice jQuery Menu Animation
jQuery based Kaiten browser
Ascensor a jQuery Navigation Plugin
Ninja UI – A Set Of Slick Widgets For jQuery
How to Create a “Stay-On-Top” Menu with CSS3 and jQuery
Cross-Browser Rounded Buttons with CSS3 and jQuery
Accordionza a jQuery accordion Plugin
Grid Navigation Effects with jQuery
jQuery ListNav Plugin
jQuery ListMenu Plugin
Sliding Background Image Menu with jQuery
Easy JQuery Circular Gallery Using RadMenu Plugin