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A fast and easy-to-use jQuery client-side translator plugin to internationalize any text and attributes of HTML elements using JSON and HTML data attributes.



Lightweight Javascript Translator

A lightweight Javascript translator with customizable settings and callbacks.


The latest version is 2.1.1


Make sure to implement the library on the very bottom of the </body>


<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head>   <!-- Meta -->   <meta charset="UTF-8">   <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">   <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="ie=edge">   <title></title> </head> <body>    <!-- Make sure to implement this file on the very bottom of the body -->   <script src="https://cdn.moutinho.org/lightweight-javascript-translator/@latest/lwcTranslator.min.js"></script>   <!-- OR -->   <!-- <script src="./assets/js/lwcTranslator.min.js"></script> --> </body> </html>

Live Example

See how this library works


The usage is very easy. You only need 2 Parameters to fill in order to work properly.


<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head>   <!-- Meta -->   <meta charset="UTF-8">   <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">   <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="ie=edge">   <title>{{title}}</title> </head> <body>      <header>     <h1>{{header.title}}</h1>   </header>    <!-- Make sure to implement this file on the very bottom of the body -->   <script src="https://cdn.moutinho.org/lightweight-javascript-translator/@latest/lwcTranslator.min.js"></script>   <script>     // Easy use     new LwcTranslator({       translationSettings: 'https://path/to/languages.json',       translationFolder: 'https://path/to/languages/folder/',       onTranslationSettingsLoaded: function(settings) {         this.load(myPage);       },     });      // Customized use     /* Default Values: */     new LwcTranslator({       translationSettings: '/assets/config/translations.json',  // Path to settings file       translationFolder: '/assets/config/translations/', // Path to translations folder       querySelector: 'html', // Selector to replace text inside       initialLanguageCode: 'en-GB', // Initial Language value if no value is set       autoTranslate: false, // Beta Automatically translates the currentPage       store: {         useCustom: false,         customCallback: {           get: function () { return { langShort: "YOUR_LANG", langCode: "YOUR_LANGCODE" }; },           set: function (lang) { /* Save your language here */ }         },         key: "currLang" // key that will be stored in local storage         mode: "localStorage"  // localStorage / cookie       },       onError: function(err) {         // Log your error         console.log(err);       },       onTranslationSettingsLoaded: function(settings) {         // Language Settings were loaded         this.load(myPage); // Translates the page       },       onTranslationLoaded: function (content) {         // A translation file for a page/partial was loaded       }     });   </script> </body> </html>



Possible structure of a translation settings file

{   "regex": "\\{\\{(.*?)\\}\\}", //Matches text inside {{textToTranslate}}   "pagesDir": "views",  // Directory where the translation of the pages is stored   "partialsDir": "parts", // Directory where the partials translations are stored   "pages": [ // pages translations     {       "dir": "example", // Directory with the translations inside the views folder in this example       "partials": ["navbar", "footer"], // Load extra partials       "translations": [ // Set the available translations         "en-GB", "pt-PT", "de-DE", "sv-SE"       ]     }   ],   "partials": [ // partials translations     {       "dir": "navbar",       "translations": [         "en-GB", "pt-PT", "de-DE", "sv-SE"       ]     },     {       "dir": "footer",       "translations": [         "en-GB", "pt-PT", "de-DE", "sv-SE"       ]     }   ],   "supported": [  //Supported languages     {       "name": "English",  //Name (not required)       "langShort": "en",  // Language Short (required)       "langCode": "en-GB" // Language Code (required)     },     {       "name": "Svenska",       "langShort": "sv",       "langCode": "sv-SE"     },     {       "name": "Portugues",       "langShort": "pt",       "langCode": "pt-PT"     },     {       "name": "Deutsch",       "langShort": "de",       "langCode": "de-DE"     }   ] }

Folder structure

  • /config/translations/
    • translations/
      • views/
        • exampleView/
          • en-GB.json
          • de-DE.json
      • partials/
        • examplePartial
          • en-GB.json
          • de-DE.json
    • translations.json


This file is used to get the translations for the site. You may use nested JSON Objects for specific translations

{   "version": "1.0.0", // Just for debug to specify the version of the language translation   "content": { // Your translation starts in the content object     "title": "Hello World!",     "header": {       "slogan": "Lorem Ipsum."     }   } }

Supported Browsers

  • Chrome
  • Firefox
  • Edge
  • Internet Explorer



  • Added support for autoTranslation
    • translate the pages automatically (beta)
  • fix wrong loading


  • Added support for store saving
    • use custom callback with get and set
    • two modes available localStorage / cookie


  • Overall renewed library
  • New features:
    • You can add a custom regex to the site def: {{text}}
    • Better Error prevention (custom Callback available)
    • Easier language load
    • More detailed and structured Language settings
    • Removed JQuery support. No extra library needed to use this translator!


  • Fix translation file loading


  • Fix paragraph support


  • Bug Fixes
  • Working on Internet Exlorer


  • Initial Release of LwcTranslator


Lightweight Javascript Translator is licensed unter the MIT License

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