56hm Rollslider is a simple yet cross-browser and customizable jQuery image slideshow plugin that supports animated image caption hover effects.
jQuery Plugin For Animated Image Caption with Blurred Overlay - Captionblur
jQuery Plugin For Image Hover Transition Effect - hoverTransition
Animated jQuery Content Hover Effect Plugin - Content Hover
jQuery Plugin For Image Copyright Tooltip - imgrights
Direction-aware Hover Effect with jQuery SlipHover Plugin
Tiny jQuery Image Slideshow with Animated Image Hover Effects - 56hm Rollslider
Simple Image Caption Hover Effects with jQuery and Html5 - Caption Rollover
Animated Image Hover Caption Plugin with jQuery and CSS3 - Image Captions
Simple Animated Image Caption Plugin For jQuery - imageTitle
Awesome Grid Hover Effects with jQuery and CSS3
jQuery Plugin To Add Animated Caption Overlay Over Images - hovercap
Mouse-aware Sliding Overlays with jQuery and CSS3
jQuery Plugin To Generate Sliding Image Caption Overlays - Glider
Basic HTML5 Image Caption Plugin For jQuery - Caption.js
Minimal Image Caption Plugin with jQuery and CSS3 - captionjs
Simple Animated Image Caption Plugin For jQuery