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Slidemenu is a jquery menu plugin for side menus with fun slide interactions.

Menus Plugins


Slidemenu Build Status: Linux

Slidemenu is a jquery menu plugin for side menus with fun slide interactions. The project was inspired by the UX designs of Rob Thomas.


The documentation can be found at http://nathaniellord.com/projects/slidemenu/


For an example of how to use slide menu open up the index.html file in the examples directory.

The html structure consists of:

div.slide-menu   ul.menu-items     li.menu-item       div.menu-header 	    div.menu-icon 	    div.menu-content 	    div.menu-close       div.menu-body 

Include the following files on your page:

  • jQuery
  • dist/js/jquery.slidemenu.min.js
  • dist/css/slidemenu.min.css

Then initialize the menu using the following script

$(function() {   $(".slide-menu").slidemenu(); });


Dist Directory

All dist versions of the code are produced in the grunt task named 'default'. Ensure all dependencies are installed using npm. Once all dependencies have been installed populate the dist folder using the command "grunt" using the command line.

The Javascript is minified using UglifyJS.

The css is produced using the Grunt less compiler.


Slidemenu is currently distributed using the MIT license

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