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handlegram is a simple-to-use jQuery plugin which uses JSONP to fetch and show recent or popular Instagram photos by user, location or hashtag.






Setting up Handlegram is pretty straight-forward. Just download the script and include it in your HTML:

<script src="path/to/handlegram.jquery.min.js"></script>

Basic Usage

Here's how easy it is to get all images tagged with #awesome:

<script>     $('.some-elem').handlegram({         get: 'tag',         tagName: 'awesome',         template: $('#handlebars-template'),         clientId: 'YOUR_CLIENT_ID'     }); </script>

You can easily change this behavior using options.



  • clientId - Required. Your API client id from Instagram
  • template - Custom HTML template using Handlebars. See templating
  • get - Customize what Handlegram fetches.
    • popular (default) - Images from the popular page
    • tag - Images with a specific tag. Use tagName to specify the tag
    • location - Images from a location. Use locationId to specify the location
    • user - Images from a user. Use userId to specify the user
  • tagName (string) - Name of the tag to get. Use with get: 'tag'
  • locationId (number) - Unique id of a location to get. Use with get: 'location'
  • userId (number) - Unique id of a user to get. Use with get: 'user'
  • limit - Maximum number of Images to add. (default 10)
  • resolution - Size of the images to get. Available options are:
    • thumbnail - 150x150
    • low_resolution (default) - 306x306
    • standard_resolution - 612x612
  • onComplete (function) - A callback function called when images have been added to the page


The easiest way to control the way Handlegram looks on your website is to use the template option. Handlebars provides the power necessary to let you build semantic templates effectively.

<div class="handlegram"> 	<script id="instagram-template" type="text/x-handlebars-template"> 		{{#each this}} 		<div class="photo-box"> 			<div class="image-wrap">                 <a href="{{link}}"><img src="{{image}}"></a>             </div>             <div class="description">             	<strong>{{likes}} Likes</strong>             	<small>{{caption}}</small>             </div> 		</div> 		{{/each}} 	</script> </div>  <script>     $('div.handlegram').handlegram({         get: 'popular',         tagName: 'awesome',         clientId: 'YOUR_CLIENT_ID',         template: $('#instagram-template')     }); </script>

The templating option provides several tags for you to use to control where variables are inserted into your HTML markup. Available keywors are:

  • {{image}} - URL of the image source. The size is inherited from the resolution option
  • {{likes}} - Number of likes
  • {{caption}} - Image's caption text
  • {{link}} - URL to view the image on Instagram's website
  • {{username}} - Username of the user
  • {{date}} - Date in format dd/mm/yyyy

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