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We made jQuery plugin called hiraku.js so that more people can use Offcanvas-menu functionality which is used in a CMS we make.Features:Not affected by the DOM structure.Enable to open both right and left side menu.Main canvas is not scrolled, while scrolling Offcanvas-menu.Easy to control the movementAccessible for keyboard navigation and screen readers.

Menus Plugins Responsive


hiraku.js - jQuery Offcanvas Menu Plugin

This repository has already been deprecated. consider using the new version of hiraku


We made jQuery plugin called hiraku.js so that more people can use Offcanvas-menu functionality which is used in a CMS we make.

You can easily find source code or plugins for Offcanvas-menu via Google by searching with "offcanvas JavaScript", but we can't find any plugins which meet all features that hiraku.js has. That's Why we made it from the scratch.


  • Not affected by the DOM structure.
  • Enable to open both right and left side menu.
  • Main canvas is not scrolled, while scrolling Offcanvas-menu.
  • Easy to control the movement
  • Accessible for keyboard navigation and screen readers.



$ npm install hiraku 


<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="./hiraku.css"> <script src="http://code.jquery.com/jquery-2.2.4.min.js"></script> <script src="./hiraku.js"></script>


hiraku.js has following options. Via options, you can control the behavior when you open the Offcanvas-menu. And if you want to change the width of the Offcanvas-menu, You may want to change CSS properties instead of changing the JavaScript.

Variable Description
btn Selector of the button to open the Offcanvas-menu
fixedHeader Selector of the fixed elements
direction Offcanvas-menu from "left" or "right"


From right side

<button class="hiraku-open-btn" id="offcanvas-btn-right" data-toggle-offcanvas="#js-hiraku-offcanvas-1"> 	<span class="hiraku-open-btn-line"></span> </button> <div class="offcanvas-right"> 	<ul><li>hogehoge</li></ul> </div>
$(".offcanvas-right").hiraku({ 	btn: "#offcanvas-btn-right", 	fixedHeader: "#header", 	direction: "right" });

From left side

<button class="hiraku-open-btn" id="offcanvas-btn-left" data-toggle-offcanvas="#js-hiraku-offcanvas-1"> 	<span class="hiraku-open-btn-line"></span> </button> <div class="offcanvas-left"> 	<ul><li>hogehoge</li></ul> </div>
$(".offcanvas-left").hiraku({ 	btn: "#offcanvas-btn-left", 	fixedHeader: "#header", 	direction: "left" });

From both side

<button class="hiraku-open-btn" id="offcanvas-btn-left" data-toggle-offcanvas="#js-hiraku-offcanvas-1"> 	<span class="hiraku-open-btn-line"></span> </button> <div class="offcanvas-left"> 	<ul><li>hogehoge</li></ul> </div>  <button class="hiraku-open-btn" id="offcanvas-btn-right" data-toggle-offcanvas="#js-hiraku-offcanvas-1"> 	<span class="hiraku-open-btn-line"></span> </button> <div class="offcanvas-right"> 	<ul><li>hogehoge</li></ul> </div>
$(".offcanvas-left").hiraku({ 	btn: "#offcanvas-btn-left", 	fixedHeader: "#header", 	direction: "left" });   $(".offcanvas-right").hiraku({ 	btn: "#offcanvas-btn-right", 	fixedHeader: "#header", 	direction: "right" });

CSS Customize

If you don't want to move the main contents, When opening the Offcanvas-menu.

By default, main contents will be pressed out. But if you want to fix main contents, you will overwrite hiraku.css like below

.js-hiraku-offcanvas-body-right .js-hiraku-header-fixed { 	margin-left: -70%; }  .js-hiraku-offcanvas-body-left .js-hiraku-header-fixed { 	margin-left: 70%; }  .js-hiraku-offcanvas-body-right { 	left: 0; }  .js-hiraku-offcanvas-body-left { 	left: 0; }

Specify the width of the Offcanvas-menu in pixels

By default, width of the Offcanvas-menu is 70% of the screen size. But you may want to change the size of the menu when using tablets. Then you can overwrite hiraku.css like below.

.js-hiraku-offcanvas-body-right .js-hiraku-header-fixed { 	margin-left: -210px; }  .js-hiraku-offcanvas-body-left .js-hiraku-header-fixed { 	margin-left: 210px; }  .js-hiraku-offcanvas .js-hiraku-offcanvas-sidebar-left { 	margin-left: -210px; }   .js-hiraku-offcanvas .js-hiraku-offcanvas-sidebar-right { 	margin-right: 210px; }  .js-hiraku-offcanvas .js-hiraku-offcanvas-sidebar { 	width: 210px; }  .js-hiraku-offcanvas-body-left { 	left: 210px; }  .js-hiraku-offcanvas-body-right { 	right: 210px; }

Customize hiraku.css via hiraku.scss

You can change its width by changing the variable on hiraku.scss. You can also change its transition speed with it.

Variable Description
$side-menu-width Width of the Offcanvas-menu (default: 70%)
$animation Transition speeed and type (default: 0.3s ease-in-out)


You can download from here.

Download hiraku.js


hiraku.js on Github

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