Flatify v0.2
Small jQuery library to "flatify" Android-like icons for the web that works wonders with glyph and icons fonts like FontAwesome.
Download this file and add it to your website as you would with any .js file.
Use this CDN in your meta section
- Give your soon to be Material-Design icons a css id.
- At your "$(document).ready(function())" apply your style
- Enjoy pure HTML + jQuery + CSS3 Material-Design icons
Full control providing JSON: function flatifySettings(target, settings) where targetID: id of the element, settings: JSON containing the arguments.
#Parameters 'r' : [ 0 - 255 ] for red color component for the icon, 'g' : [ 0 - 255 ] for red color component for the icon, 'b' : [ 0 - 255 ] for red color component for the icon,
'f' : [ 20 - ∞ ] font size for the icon, 'w' : [ 30 - ∞ ] width for the icon, 'c' : [ 0 - 50 ] percentage of rounded for icon border, 's' : [ 0 - 100 ] number of shadows for the icon text, 'a' : [ 0 - 1 ] opacity for the icon text shadow,
If any of the parameters are missing flatify will provide a default value.
#TODO list
- Improve of icon sizes in Easy mode -- DONE
- Greatly improve the handling of missing parameters -- DONE
- Supply an example of use -- DONE
- Get starred at least once -- DONE twice, thx guys
- Give proper credit where credit is due (I will, I promise)
- Provide a more verbose way to define parameters