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newsAffix is a jQuery affix / scrollspy / reading progress plugin used to generate a sticky header navigation & scroll progress indicator for your long web content.

scrollspy Reading-Progress-Indicator



.Demo is located here

News affix is handy plugin which is very useful on blog post with a lot of chapters. Just define chapter headers and insert affix HTML on your site and you are ready to go.

alt tag

Init example (default values)

$(function () {     $('body').newsAffix({         headerWrapper: "#targeted-wrapper",         headerClass: ".content__title",         sidebar: ".js-news-affix-items",         newsAffixSel: ".js-news-affix",         setAffixClasses: {             cssClass: '.news-affix__bar',             cssRule: 'width'         },         onClickElements: '.js-affix-click',         scrollAnimationSpeed: 750,         breakPoint: 1250     }); });


  • headerWrapper - main header wrapper which contains chapters. Chapters should be direct childs of the main targeted wrapper.
  • headerClass - header title of each chapter
  • sidebar - affix sidebar class name
  • newsAffixSel - main news affix selector
  • setAffixClasses / cssClass - CSS class for news affix currently active item. cssRule is used should affix item calculate width or height on the current element. Previous version had width & height, new version has only width.
  • onClickElement - element which will trigger on scroll event
  • scrollAnimationSpeed - speed of animation

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