Expandable and Fixed location side menu bar.
It's a big challenge for the website navigation on mobile which is limited and ralatively small screen size and tapped by finger.
jquery-dice-menu targets on maxmize the screen usage by collapsing the menu to a small size dice and can be expanded to a full menu bar on demand.
By supporting the optional attributes, you can customize the menu by:
1. Layout (Default: column)
Menu items will be arranged on a row or column.
2. Reverse Order (Default: false)
Menu items can be arranged in reverse order.
3. Location (Default: right)
Menu can be sticked on top, right, bottom or left.
4. Offset (Default: 35%)
If the menu is sticked on left/right, then the offset is used in the top: ?(px|%). Otherwise, it's left: ?(px|%)
5. Hints (Default: true)
Hints can be enabled or disabled.
6. Hints Order (Default: bottom)
The location of the hints.
7. Menu toggle status (Default: false)
Is the menu opened by default?
Demonstration on CodePen
Installation + Use
- Install to your project as dependency from NPM (https://www.npmjs.com/package/jquery-dice-menu)
npm install jquery-dice-menu --save
- Load the dependency
<!-- // HEAD --> <!-- put below stylesheets between the 'head' tag in below order --> <!-- font awesome 4 - optional, but I use it in my test page. --> <link rel="stylesheet" href="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/font-awesome/4.7.0/css/font-awesome.min.css"> <!-- jquery-dice-menu, css(default) - provide default rendering --> <link rel="stylesheet" href="/node_modules/jquery-dice-menu/dist/jq.dice-menu.min.css"> <!-- // BODY --> <!-- jquery-dice-menu - put below script tag above the close tag of 'body' --> <script src="/node_modules/jquery-dice-menu/dist/jq.dice-menu.js"></script>
- Construct your dice menu
<!-- Dice Menu, we use font-awesome 4 here --> <ul class="jq-dice-menu" default-open="false" layout="column" reverse="false" snap-to="right" offset="35%" show-hints="true" hints-order="footer"> <div class="jq-items"> <!-- first element as a switch button --> <li state="close"><span class="fa fa-th-large"></span></li> <!-- page anchor to paragraph 2 --> <li><span class="fa fa-header" href="#para2" hint="para2"></span></li> <!-- page anchor to paragraph 3 --> <li><span class="fa fa-arrows-v" href="#para3" hint="para3"></span></li> <!-- open a page in a new window --> <li><span class="fa fa-google-plus" href="https://plus.google.com/discover" target="_blank" hint="Google Plus"></span></li> <!-- open a page in current window --> <li><span class="fa fa-github" href="https://github.com" hint="Github"></span></li> <!-- page link without hint --> <li><span class="fa fa-yahoo" href="https://hk.yahoo.com"></span></li> <!-- link to phone number --> <li><span class="fa fa-phone" href="tel:+85299887766" hint="Call to hotline"></span></li> <!-- link to email address --> <li><span class="fa fa-envelope" href="mailto:[email protected]" hint="Email for support"></span></li> <!-- page anchor to the top of the page --> <li><span class="fa fa-angle-double-up" href="#top"></span></li> </div> <!-- hints of button --> <div class="jq-hints"> <div class="hint"> </div> </div> </ul>
A demo page is located in the /test folder. You can test it with the live reload by using lite-server which can be installed by
npm install lite-server -g cd /project_root && lite-server
By supporting the optional attributes, you can customize the menu by:
<ul class="jq-dice-menu" default-open="false" layout="column" reverse="false" snap-to="right" offset="35%" show-hints="true" hints-order="footer"></ul>
1. Layout (Default: column, Supported: row | column)
Menu items will be arranged on a row or column.
2. Reverse Order (Default: false, Supported: true | false)
Menu items can be arranged in reverse order.
3. Location (Default: right, Supported: top | right | bottom | left)
Menu can be sticked on top, right, bottom or left.
4. Offset (Default: 35%, Supported: ?px | ?%)
If the menu is sticked on left/right, then the offset is used in the top: ?(px|%). Otherwise, it's left: ?(px|%)
5. Hints (Default: true, Supported: true | false)
Hints can be enabled or disabled.
6. Hints Order (Default: footer, Supported: header | footer)
The location of the hints.
7. Menu toggle status (Default: false, Supported: true | false)
Is the menu opened by default?