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A plugin for moving-map search, like on Yelp or Airbnb. Built with jQuery and Leaflet.jQuery Birdseye is a plugin for replicating the “search in map” functionality of Yelp/Airbnb/Google using the API of your choosing. With a small bit of setup, you can have the sweet, mapsearchy goodness that these sites do, at a fraction of the cost.

Maps Plugins


jQuery Birdseye

A plugin for moving-map search built with jQuery & Leaflet, by @AdamJacobBecker


jQuery Birdseye is a plugin for replicating the "search in map" functionality of Yelp/Airbnb/Google using the API of your choosing. With a small bit of setup, you can have the sweet, mapsearchy goodness that these sites do, at a fraction of the cost.


Live Demo

While jQuery Birdseye does most of the heavylifting for you, it still needs a decent amount of configuration. For example, search results will be displayed differently for each application, and will need to be customized accordingly.

Simplest example code


<div class="birdseye-map"></div> <div class="birdseye-results"></div> <div class="birdseye-pagination"></div>


$(function(){   $(".birdseye-map").birdseye({     request_uri: 'http://sbadb.herokuapp.com/v1/bizs',     results_template: function(key, result) {       return '<div>#'+key+': '+result.name+'</div>';     }   });    $(".birdseye-map").birdseye.update(); });




Passed a blank div, initializes birdseye's map in that div.

 # Show animated loading bar while waiting for results. loading_indicator: true  # Initial map lat/lng. initial_coordinates: [40, -100]  # Intial map zoom. initial_zoom: 3  # Leaflet tile layer. tile_layer: 'http://{s}.tile.openstreetmap.org/{z}/{x}/{y}.png'  # URI of the API we'll be searching. request_uri: ''  # The basic geographical parameters we'll be tacking onto each request. # By default, we use a bounding box to constrain our results. request_geo_params:   ne_lat: (map) -> map.getBounds().getNorthEast().lat   ne_lng: (map) -> map.getBounds().getNorthEast().lng   sw_lat: (map) -> map.getBounds().getSouthWest().lat   sw_lng: (map) -> map.getBounds().getSouthWest().lng  # JSON key for the results array. # # For example, if our API returns: # # { #    'businesses': [ #       { name: "Tom's tasty tacos" }, #       { name: "Adam's apple pies"} #    ] # } # # ...then our response_json_key should be 'businesses'. response_json_key: 'results'  # Getter function for the lat/lng of each result. # By default, we assume that your object has both a 'latitude' and a 'longitude' property. response_params_latlng: (result) ->   [result.latitude, result.longitude]  # Getter functions for the pagination. # By default, we assume that the response has the following structure: # # { #    meta: { #        page: 1, #        per_page: 10, #        total_pages: 3 #        count: 28 #    } # } # response_params_pagination:   page: (data) -> data.meta.page   per_page: (data) -> data.meta.per_page   total_pages: (data) -> data.meta.total_pages   count: (data) -> data.meta.count  # Element where we'll be inserting our results. results_el: $(".birdseye-results")  # A function that returns the HTML string for a single result. # You're definitely gonna need to customize this one. results_template: (key, result) ->   "   <div># #{key}: #{result['name']}</div>   "  # Element where we'll be inserting our pagination. pagination_el: $(".birdseye-pagination")  # A function that returns HTML for the pagination controls. pagination_template: (pagination) ->   ... 

$("#map").birdseye.setView(latlng, zoom, updateMap = true)

Sets the map's center and zoom level, and by default, makes an AJAX request to update the results.


Searches the API with new_params and displays the results.


Switches the currently-dispalyed results page.

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