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Toggle.js is a very small jQuery accordion & content toggle plugin which allows you to toggle the visibility of specific block elements using CSS classes and HTML data attributes.



jQuery toggle

simple jQuery plugin to toggle elements.

The plugin toggles a panel when its toggle is clicked, by changing classes on both the toggle and the panel. You'll have to use css to do the acutal showing/hiding; the css contains the most basis variant: toggling between display: block; and display: none;

Basic setup: toggle sibling

to link toggle and toggle panel:

give toggle 2 classes: one general class js-toggle and one state-specific class js-toggle--is-expanded or js-toggle--is-collapsed.

<a href="#" class="js-toggle js-toggle-expanded">show</a>

the panel gets two classes: one general class js-toggle-panel, and one depending on its default state: js-toggle-panel--expanded or js-toggle-panel--collapsed

<div class="js-toggle-panel js-toggle-panel--expanded">     panel content </div>

By default, the plugin searches for the first sibling of .js-toggle with class .js-toggle-panel

Toggle one or more specific panels

You can toggle one or more panels anywhere in the document by adding a data-attribute to both toggle and panel:

<a href="#" class="js-toggle" data-toggle-panel-id="my-panel">show</a> <div class="js-toggle-panel js-toggle-panel--expanded" data-toggle-panel-id="my-panel">     panel content </div>

Close panel when another opens (accordion)

When you give multiple toggles the same data-attribute data-toggle-group, opening one will close the others.

<ul>     <li>         <a href="#" class="js-toggle js-toggle--is-expanded" data-toggle-group="my-toggle-group">toggle group - #1</a>         <div class="js-toggle-panel js-toggle-panel--is-expanded">             toggle group panel #1         </div>     </li>     <li>         <a href="#" class="js-toggle js-toggle--is-collapsed" data-toggle-group="my-toggle-group">toggle group - #2</a>         <div class="js-toggle-panel js-toggle-panel--is-collapsed">             toggle group panel #2         </div>     </li>     <li>         <a href="#" class="js-toggle js-toggle--is-collapsed" data-toggle-group="my-toggle-group">toggle group - #3</a>         <div class="js-toggle-panel js-toggle-panel--is-collapsed">             toggle group panel #3         </div>     </li> </ul>

Only open or close a panel

When you give a toggle the data-attribute data-toggle-expand-only, it will expand its corresponding panel but won't close it; with the data-attribute data-toggle-collapse-only, it wil collapse its panel but not expand it.

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