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Just another jQuery plugin for handling conditional forms that have the ability to show and hide certain form fields based on previous user input.



A jQuery plugin that will show or hide a "dependent" field based on some other "master" field.

Example Usage

You probably want to just look at the example, but if you prefer to read prose instead of code, here goes --


If #master-field is a checkbox, the row containing '#dependent-field' will be shown/hidden based on whether the master field is checked/unchecked, respectively.

If #master-field is a select/dropdown, the row containing '#dependent-field' will be shown/hidden based on whether the selected option has a non-empty value.

You may additionally specify a conditional value or values:

$('#dependent-field').dependsOn('#master-field', 'value');

$('#dependent-field').dependsOn('#master-field', ['value', 'value2']);

This only makes sense when used with a select element - if the value of the selected option is any of the specified values, the dependent field will be shown.

Note: Like you'd expect, you may use any jQuery selector for the first call. The plugin is also written to support idiomatic jQuery chain-ability so you can do things like:


If you have a input text in a container div, you can specify the 'depends-container' class in the master container DIV:

<div class="depends-container"> {{ form_row(form.my_input) }} </div> 

Also you can give a callback after the toggle:

 var fieldRequired = function(){ 	var target = $('#target').find('input[type="text"]');  	if(target.is(':visible')){        	     	//add require     	target.attr(required,required);  	}else{      	//remove require     	target.removeAttr(required);     	     } }  $('.ui.depends.target').dependsOn('.ui.depends.master',null,fieldRequired);  

Known Limitations/Shortcomings

  • Only works with checkboxes and select elements.
  • The plugin depends on your form field being wrapped in a row using a paragraph tag as it looks for the closest wrapping paragraph tag to show/hide. If you use a div or some other element type to wrap your form rows, you will need to modify the .closest('p') calls to use .closest('div') or whatnot.

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