novacancy.js is a text neon golden effect jQuery plugin.
Basic Usage
Just use
or detail
$('#no').novacancy({ 'reblinkProbability': 0.1, 'blinkMin': 0.2, 'blinkMax': 0.6, 'loopMin': 8, 'loopMax': 10, 'color': '#ffffff', 'glow': ['0 0 80px #ffffff', '0 0 30px #008000', '0 0 6px #0000ff'], 'off': 1, 'blink': 1, 'classOn': 'on', 'classOff': 'off', 'element': 'data', 'autoOn': true });
- reblinkProbability: probability of reblink(0 to 1), Number, optional, default: (1/3)
- blinkMin: time(sec.) of minimum blink, Number, optional, default: 0.01
- blinkMax: time(sec.) of maximum blink, Number, optional, default: 0.5
- loopMin: time(sec.) of minimum trigger blink, Number, optional, default: 0.5
- loopMax: time(sec.) of maximum trigger blink, Number, optional, default: 2
- color: colors, String, optional default: 'ORANGE'. set null to disable.
- glow: array of text-shadow colors, Array, optional, default: ['0 0 80px Orange', '0 0 30px Red', '0 0 6px Yellow']. set null to disable.
- off: amount of off chars, Number, optional, default: 0
- blink: amount of blink chars, Number, optional, default: 0, (0 means all chars)
- classOn: class name of on chars, String, optional default: 'on'
- classOff: class name of off chars, String, optional default: 'off'
- element: split content by element, default: data
- autoOn: blink on at start, Boolean, optional, default: true
colors example:
Hexadecimal: '#ffffff' RGB: 'rgb(255,255,255)' RGBA: 'rgba(255,255,255,1)' Text: 'WHITE'
trigger blink on
trigger blink off
Copyright (c) 2018 Chuck Chang Licensed under the MIT license
Special Thanks
- Evil Reiko