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notifyMe is a simple jQuery plugin that i created for fun and learning for fixed notifications in pages. He works when a button is clicked, errors, validations, info and everything you want.



What's notifyMe?

notifyMe is a simple plugin that i created for fun and learning for fixed notifications in pages. He works when a button is clicked, errors, validations, info and everything you want.

Get Started

notifyMe is a simple plugin that i created for fun and learning for fixed notifications in pages. He works when a button is clicked, errors, validations, info and everything you want.

Open terminal, and install the Gulp globally(if you don't have installed)

$ npm install --global gulp 

After install gulp, install all dependencies of the project.

$ npm install 


In gulpfile.js we have just one task for compile sass. Write in terminal:

$ gulp compile-sass 

or gulp watch for watch the changes and auto compile:

$ gulp watch 

How to use

Call the stylesheet with the styles

<link rel="assets/css/notifyme.css" type="text/css" />

For use this plugin is necessary add jQuery lib in your page:

<script src="http://code.jquery.com/jquery-1.11.1.min.js"></script>

Add the notifyMe.js after jquery lib:

<script type="text/javascript" src="assets/js/notifyme.js"></script>

in a element is simple, for use when click in a button for example:

$('.error').on('click', function(){ 	$(this).notifyMe( 		'bottom', // Position 		'error', // Type 		'Example Title', // Title 		'Some text to show in your notification', // Description 		200 // Velocity of notification 		2000 // (optional) Time of delay to close automatically 	); })

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