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Simple animated notifications with jQuery plugin.Now you can send notifications of everything you want and when you want, simply and quickly. Easy to learn and use. Customize with your favorite colors, define the size you want, set the opacity, make a sticky one and much more!



Check out notifit 2! :D


Simple notifications with JQuery.

Now you can send notifications of everything you want and when you want, simply and quickly. Easy to learn and use. Customize with your favorite colors, define the size you want, set the opacity, make a sticky one and much more!

Give it a try! Demo

Install via npm

npm install notifit-js 


 notifIt  ├── css  │   └── notifIt.css  │   └── notifIt.min.css  ├── demo.html  ├── dev  │   └── notifIt.js  └── js      ├── notifIt.js      └── notifIt.min.js 


<head> 	<script type='text/javascript' src='js/notifIt.js'></script> 	<link rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' href='css/notifIt.css'> </head>

& Play

notif({ 	msg: "<b>Oops!</b> A wild error appeared!", 	type: "error", 	position: "center" });



Variable name Type Posible values Default
type String success, error, warning, info default
msg String Message
position String left, center, right, bottom right
width Integer-String Number > 0, 'all' 400
height Integer Number between 0 and 100 60
autohide Boolean true, false true
opacity Float From 0 to 1 1
multiline Boolean true, false false
fade Boolean true, false false
bgcolor String HEX color #444
color String HEX color #EEE
timeout Integer Miliseconds 5000
zindex Integer The z-index of the notification null (ignored)
offset Integer The offset in pixels from the edge of the screen 0
callback Function Function null (ignored),
clickable Boolean true, false false
append (dev) Boolean true, false false



Now you can ask 'yes' or 'no' easy as --

var myCallback = function(choice){     if(choice){         notif({             'type': 'success',             'msg': 'Yeah!',             'position': 'center'         })     }else{         notif({             'type': 'error',             'msg': ':(',             'position': 'center'         })     } }  notif_confirm({ 	'textaccept': 'Let\'s go!', 	'textcancel': 'I\'ll think about it', 	'message': 'Shall we?', 	'callback': myCallback })


Variable name Type Default Optional
textaccept String Accept Yes
textcancel String Cancel Yes
message String Is that what you want to do? Yes
callback Function null Yes
fulllscreen Boolean false Yes


Function returns true or false If callback is passed, it recieves a param true or false



Ask whatever you want quick and easy

var myCallback = function(input_value){     if(input_value){         notif({             'type': 'success',             'msg': input_value,             'position': 'center'         })     }else{         notif({             'type': 'error',             'msg': 'Empty or cancelled',             'position': 'center'         })     } }  notif_confirm({ 	'textaccept': 'That\'s it!', 	'textcancel': 'I don\'t have a pet :(', 	'message': 'What\'s your pet\'s name?', 	'callback': myCallback })


Variable name Type Default Optional
textaccept String Accept Yes
textcancel String Cancel Yes
default_value String Yes
message String Tell me something Yes
callback Function null Yes
fulllscreen Boolean false Yes


If callback is passed, it recieves a param with the input value (if accepted) or false (if cancelled)

More things :)

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