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Textfx is a handy jquery plugin for awesome text effects. jQuery TextFX is your all in one plug-in for making your text feel good, look good, and animate good.

Plugins Text Effect



textfx is a handy jquery plugin for awesome text effects!

TextFX is available via bower now!

bower install chriscates-textfx 

Include these files:

<script type="text/javascript" src="jquery.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="jquery.transit.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="jquery.textFx.js"></script> 

The Javascript Object:

/* type: this is the type of animation 	Types of animations: 	fadeIn - fades in each characters, 	slideIn - slidesIn each character from a direction, 	rotate - rotates each character in, 	scale - zooms in the text   iChar: this is the delay between each characters  animation in ms  iAnim: this is the time of the animation for  each character in ms  direction: only applicable to slide, is the direction  (top, left, down, right) the character slides from */  //Here are examples of how to write a textFx! $('.element1').textFx({ 	type: 'fadeIn', 	iChar: 500, 	iAnim: '250' 	//Fades in }); $('.element2').textFx({ 	type: 'slideIn', 	iChar: 750, 	iAnim: 500, 	direction: 'top' 	//Slides in from the top. }); $('.element3').textFx({ 	type: 'rotate', 	iChar: 750, 	iAnim: 500, 	rotate: '180-0'  	//Rotates from 180 degrees to 0. }); 

Refer to the .htm document for live examples!

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