jquery-popunder is a jquery-plugin to create popunder in major browsers.
Popunders are popups which are opened in the background of a browser-window. This script will only work, if the popunder is opened on a user-generated event (e.g. click or submit).
For examples and usage documentation, take a look at the index.html.
The recommended usage is the first example: a function to build the url-stack. So you leave the event-handling to the plugin. To add some flexibility to the function, the plugin will pass the initial event to the function - from which you may access e.g. DOM-data of the activated DOM-element.
All of the options are optional!
{ "cookie": "__puc", The cookie-name (optional, used for blocking a popunder) "name": "__pu", The window-name (optional) "blocktime": false, The time to block popunder, in minutes "window": { "height": .. The width of the popunder "width": .. The height of the popunder ..: .. more window.open-parameters .. }, "skip": { UA-Patterns to skip (needs to be a known ua!) "opera": true }, "cb": null Callback, after a popunder has been opened (if a function) }
jquery-popunder was tested with:
- Mozilla Firefox 3-67
- Google Chrome 10-75
- Microsoft Internet Explorer 6-11, edge
Known Issues
- chrome 45+ & linux is covered by moving the originating website into a new tab, leaving the popunder on the first one
- in Firefox, when the setting: 'Open new windows in a new tab instead' is deactivated
Just copy the dist/jquery.popunder.min.js file into your project or use bower:
bower install jquery-popunder
or add it to your bower.json.
- (optional) jquery (http://www.jquery.com)
- (optional) js-cookie (https://github.com/js-cookie/js-cookie)
The dependencies can be installed using bower
bower update
When you're not using jquery, you could use dist/popunder.min.js, which includes a stripped version of jquery. Mind, that there is no real selector-engine included, which limits element-selection in oldie to #ids.