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imageFallback is a jQuery plugin for handling 404 images that allow you to set any number of fallback image placeholders for broken images within the document.




jQuery plugin to allow specification of any number of fallback images, including a custom broken image placeholder.


// Use built-in broken image placeholder instead of browser default $('img').imageFallback();  // Try alternate image if image fails to load $('img').imageFallback('/some/alternate/image.png');  // Try each alternate image in the array $('img').imageFallback(['/first/alternate/image.png', '/second/alternate/image.png']);  // If none of the images loads successfully, use the supplied image as the broken image placeholder $('img').imageFallback(['/first/alternate/image.png', '/second/alternate/image.png'], '');

Basic Example:

<img id="fred" src="img/fred.png" />
$('#fred').imageFallback(['/img/fred.png', '/lib/img/fred.png', '/lib/img/png/fred.png', 'images/fred.png', '/images/fred.png']);

Complex Example:

<img id="fred" src="img/fred.png" /> <img id="nicole" src="img/nicole.png" />
var paths = ['/img/', '/lib/img/', '/lib/img/png/', 'images/', '/images/']; $('img').each(function(){ 	var self = $(this) 	,	file = self.prop('src').split('/').pop() 	,	srcs = $.map(paths, function(path) { 		return path + file; 	}); 	self.imageFallback(srcs); });

jsFiddle Demo:

Comparison on jsFiddle of normal browser behavior, the basic internal fallback placeholder, and falling back to the first available image in an array.

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