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A lightweight jQuery plugin that allows you to dynamically add tracks to your Spotify playlist created using Spotify Web API.



jQuery Spotify Add to Playlist Plugin

Simple plugin to allow a user to add a track to a Spotify playlist. If the playlist doesn't exist, it gets created and if it already exists, the song just gets added to it.

Demo: http://ewillhite.github.io/jquery-spotify-add-playlist/


  1. Install using bower or make sure you install dependency (jQuery >=1.4)
  2. Create a Spotify application here: https://developer.spotify.com/
  3. Add a redirect uri to your Spotify app that is [yourwebsite.com]/spotify-callback
  4. Include plugin after jQuery
  5. Invoke the plugin:
// Click function just used as an example $('button').click(function(e) { 	// Set Track ID 	var track = $(this).data('track'); 	$(this).spotify_add_to_playlist({ 		// Playlist Name - can be whatever you like 		playlist_name:'My Funky Playlist', 		// Client ID from your Spotify application in step 2 		client_id:'', 		// Track Spotify ID 		track: track 	}); 	e.preventDefault(); }); 


This plugin based on development done for Essential Worship at Centresource. It was also inspired heavily by the good work of https://github.com/possan/playlistcreator-example

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