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Marquee direction is a jQuery marquee effect that can change direction.Events:forward Starts scrolling down for vertical and scrolling rightwards for horizontal.backward Starts scrolling up for vertical and leftwards for horizontal.pause Stops and scrollingrevalidate Recaclculate if text overflows or not and apply/remove marquee as needed.




jQuery marquee effect that can change direction


  • speed Value 1 = 1px scroll per second. It must be positive.
  • direction vertical or horizontal


  • forward Starts scrolling down for vertical and scrolling rightwards for horizontal.
  • backward Starts scrolling up for vertical and leftwards for horizontal.
  • pause Stops and scrolling
  • revalidate Recaclculate if text overflows or not and apply/remove marquee as needed.


html markup:

<div class="marquee marquee-vertical" data-speed="100" data-direction="vertical">     <div class="marquee-wrapper">         <div class="marquee-content">             Some long text...         </div>     </div> </div>  <div class="marquee marquee-horizontal " data-speed="50" data-direction="horizontal">            <div class="marquee-wrapper">         <div class="marquee-content">            Some long text here...         </div>                 </div> </div> 


.marquee-vertical {     height: 200px;     overflow: auto; }  .marquee-content {     margin: 0;     padding: 30px; }  .marquee {     overflow: auto;    	padding: 0;     margin: 15px 0; }  .marquee-horizontal { 	white-space: nowrap; }  .marquee-horizontal .marquee-content, .marquee-horizontal .marquee-wrapper {     display: inline-block; } 


$(".marquee").marquee(); //initialization    $(".marquee").marquee({   speed: 100,     direction: horizontal }); //initialization with custom speed and direction  $(".marquee").trigger("forward"); // triggers forward event    $(".marquee").eq(0).trigger("forward", {speed: 50}); // Custom speed    $(".marquee").trigger("revalidate"); //E.g. if on window.resize text doesn't overflow you might want to disable marquee  


.marquee and .marquee-wrapper must have no padding. Any padding can be applied to either .marquee-content or you may wrap .marquee in another container.

data-* API

The plugin supports data-* attributes. If both data-* and settings are passed in javscript initialization then data-* values will override the later.



Toggle event like forward and backward would be useful


Marquee effect acheived with native setInterval by incrementing/decrementing scrollTop/scrollLeft with setInterval. data-* plugin initialaztion also added. Since setInterval doesn't fire earlier than 10ms so the practical speed limit with this method is 1px to 10ppx per second. This could be incresed by decreasing the fram rate, i.e. increasing scrollTop/left in more than 1px steps. But jquery animate natively takes care of this. So better use marquee-animate-toggle above file.


Marquee effect to be acheived with transtion property over translate so as to use native css transition with gpu acceleration. This file doesn't work yet. Problem is with unneccessary delay required -- Pending.

The problem is solved now. And the next version of the plugin will support css3 transitions. :-)

  • Other pending feature is trying using css3 animations. Currently I have not found any way to toggle animations amidst.

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