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Combines RWD Image Maps, Maphilight, and Zoom into 1 solution. Optional table integration.




Combines RWD Image Maps, Maphilight, and Zoom into 1 solution. Optional table integration.

Live Demo: http://jsfiddle.net/k6pukgLd/


Simply pass in the Image for the Responsive, Hilight, and Zoom features

• Double-click Image Map to Zoom
• Hold down Ctrl key to select multiple
<link href="css/map-trifecta.css" rel="stylesheet" /> <!--Needed for Zoom and img--> <script src="js/jquery.map-trifecta.min.js"></script>  <img src="images/shapes.png" usemap="#shapesMap"> <map name="shapesMap">   <area coords="5,136,80,9" alt="Triangle" href="#" shape="poly" />   <area coords="177,134,179..." alt="Square" href="#" shape="poly" />   <area coords="358,123,353..." alt="Circle" href="#" shape="poly" /> </map>
$("img[usemap]").mapTrifecta();  Defaults: $("img[usemap]").mapTrifecta({         zoom: true,         table: true,         fill: true,         fillColor: 'FF0000',         fillOpacity: 0.1,         stroke: true,         strokeColor: 'FF0000',         strokeOpacity: 1,         strokeWidth: 1,         fade: true,         alwaysOn: false,         neverOn: false,         groupBy: false,         wrapClass: true,         shadow: false,         shadowX: 0,         shadowY: 0,         shadowRadius: 10,         shadowColor: '000000',         shadowOpacity: 0.8,         shadowPosition: 'outside',         shadowFrom: false     });

With Table:

You can have a table (shown in index.html) respond with the Image Map Hilight.
To do this just have the <tr> of the table and the <area> of the map include a data-mapid parameter. Matching id's with Hilight.

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