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A simple, lightweight jQuery plugin for creating a notification bar that is dismissable and dismiss is saved by cookie. Perfect for implementing the new eu cookielaw!




A simple, lightweight jQuery plugin for creating a notification bar that is dismissable and dismiss is saved by cookie. Perfect for implementing the new eu cookielaw! - example available on gh-pages

If you like jquery.cookieBar and use it commercially please consider giving a donation. Thankyou.


Include script after the jQuery library

<script src="/path/jquery.cookieBar.js"></script> 

If you want the default styles also include the css, if not feel free to style it as you see wish!

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="cookieBar.css"> 


Create a cookiebar with no markup whatsoever! it's like magic ...

<script type="text/javascript"> 	$(document).ready(function() { 	  $.cookieBar(); 	}); </script> 

Or, create your cookiebar markup from a simple container, example:

<script type="text/javascript"> 	$(document).ready(function() { 	  $('.cookie-message').cookieBar(); 	}); </script>  <div class="cookie-message"> 	The government says i have to tell you i use cookies, so here it is </div> 

Or, create your cookiebar markup from a simple container with an advanced button, example:

<script type="text/javascript"> 	$(document).ready(function() { 	  $('.cookie-message').cookieBar({ closeButton : '.my-close-button' }); 	}); </script>  <div class="cookie-message"> 	The government says i have to tell you i use cookies, so here it is <a class="my-close-button" href>cheers!</a> </div> 

Or, create your cookiebar markup from a simple container with a super advanced button that does something custom on close instead of just hiding, example:

<script type="text/javascript"> 	$(document).ready(function() { 	  $('.cookie-message').cookieBar({ closeButton : '.my-close-button', hideOnClose: false }); 	  $('.cookie-message').on('cookieBar-close', function() { $(this).slideUp(); }); 	}); </script>  <div class="cookie-message"> 	The government says i have to tell you i use cookies, so here it is <a class="my-close-button" href>cheers!</a> </div> 

Full Example Check out example.html in the repository or visit our [github-page] (http://carlwoodhouse.github.com/jquery.cookieBar)


closeButton - Define a close button for the bar

closeButton: 'none' 

Default: a close button will be added automagically

hideOnClose - Hide the cookiebar when the close button is clicked

hideOnClose: false 

*Use-case: you might want some different behaviour on close, eg. a slide animiation. an event will be triggered on close. Default: the cookiebar will be hidden on close

secure - Define if the cookie transmission requires secure protocal (https)

secure: true 

Default: false

path - Define the path the cookie is valid for

path: '/path/for/cookie' 

Default: '/' (site wide)

domain - Define the domain the cookie operates on

domain: 'domain.com' 

Default: domain cookie was created on

Author: Carl Woodhouse

Special thanks to Craig Hamnett for the original CSS.

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