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Age is a jQuery plugin that formats and tracks dates and times as human readable text.



jQuery Age

Age is a jQuery plugin that formats and tracks dates and times as human readable text.


To install copy the javascripts directories into your project and add the following snippet to the header:

<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.0.2/jquery.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script> <script src="javascript/jquery.age.js" type="text/javascript"></script> 

This plugin is also registered under http://bower.io/ to simplify integration. Try:

npm install -g bower bower install gridly 

In addition this plugin is registered as a https://rails-assets.org/ to simplify integration with Ruby on Rails applications:


+ source 'https://rails-assets.org' ... + gem 'rails-assets-age' 


//= require jquery ... //= require age 


Setting up a date or time is easy. The following snippet is a good start:

<time datetime="2010-01-01T12:00:00Z" class="age">January 1, 2010 12:00</time> <time datetime="2020-01-01T12:00:00Z" class="age">January 1, 2020 12:00</time>  <script type="text/javascript">   $('.age').age(); </script> 


Age supports a number of configuration settings for customizing the language and intervals:

$('.age').age({   interval: 10000,   suffixes: {     past: "ago",     future: "until",     },   formats: {     now: "now"     singular: {       seconds: "a second",       minutes: "a minute",       hours: "an hour",       days: "a day",       weeks: "a week",       months: "a month",       years: "a year",       },     plural: {       seconds: "{{amount}} seconds",       minutes: "{{amount}} minutes",       hours: "{{amount}} hours",       days: "{{amount}} days",       weeks: "{{amount}} weeks",       months: "{{amount}} months",       years: "{{amount}} years",       },     },   }); ); 

Age also supports passing in a whitelist of allowed units (i.e. not showing units in weeks or months ever):

$('.age').age({ units: ["days", "hours", "minutes"] }); 


  • Carlos Manuel Escalona Villeda




Copyright (c) 2013 - 2014 Kevin Sylvestre. See LICENSE for details.

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