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Crosbrowser & lightweight way to check if user is looking at the page or interacting with it.

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Crossbrowser & lightweight way to check if user is looking at the page or interacting with it.

Check out the Demo or read below for code example or Check Annotated Source


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From npm

npm install ifvisible.js --save 

From Bower

bower install ifvisible.js 

For Meteor

mrt add ifvisible 

meteor package is provided by @frozeman via Atmosphere


// If page is visible right now if( ifvisible.now() ){ 	// Display pop-up 	openPopUp(); }  // You can also check the page status // using `now` method if( !ifvisible.now('hidden') ){   // Display pop-up if page is not hidden   openPopUp(); }  // Possible statuses are: // idle: when user has no interaction // hidden: page is not visible // active: page is visible and user is active 

Handle tab switch or browser minimize states

ifvisible.on("blur", function(){ 	// example code here.. 	animations.pause(); });  ifvisible.on("focus", function(){ 	// resume all animations 	animations.resume(); }); 

ifvisible.js can handle activity states too, such as being IDLE or ACTIVE on the page

ifvisible.on("idle", function(){ 	// Stop auto updating the live data 	stream.pause(); });  ifvisible.on("wakeup", function(){ 	// go back updating data 	stream.resume(); }); 

Default idle duration is 60 seconds but you can change it with setIdleDuration method

ifvisible.setIdleDuration(120); // Page will become idle after 120 seconds 

You can manually trigger status events by calling them directly or you can set events with their names by giving first argument as a callback

ifvisible.idle(); // will put page in a idle status  ifvisible.idle(function(){ 	// This code will work when page goes into idle status });  // other methods are ifvisible.blur(); // will trigger idle event as well ifvisible.idle();  ifvisible.focus(); // Will trigger wakeup event as well ifvisible.wakeup();

You can set your smart intervals with ifvisible.js, if user is IDLE or not seeing the page the interval will automatically stop itself

// If page is visible run this function on every half seconds ifvisible.onEvery(0.5, function(){     // Do an animation on the logo only when page is visible 	animateLogo();  }); 


It's MIT, Go crazy.

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