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Figlet is a program for making large letters out of ordinary text.Figlet-JS is a JavaScript implementation of a FIGdriver and is available as a Node module and a jQuery plugin.

Plugins Text Effect

 _______ _________ _______  _        _______ _________       _________ _______  (  ____ \\__   __/(  ____ \( \      (  ____ \\__   __/       \__    _/(  ____ \ | (    \/   ) (   | (    \/| (      | (    \/   ) (             )  (  | (    \/ | (__       | |   | |      | |      | (__       | |    _____    |  |  | (_____  |  __)      | |   | | ____ | |      |  __)      | |   (_____)   |  |  (_____  ) | (         | |   | | \_  )| |      | (         | |             |  |        ) | | )      ___) (___| (___) || (____/\| (____/\   | |          |\_)  )  /\____) | |/       \_______/(_______)(_______/(_______/   )_(          (____/   \_______) 

Figlet is a program for making large letters out of ordinary text.

Figlet-JS is a JavaScript implementation of a FIGdriver and is available as a Node module and a jQuery plugin.

For detailed information on fonts for Figlet, check out the FIGfont documentation.



var puts = require("sys").puts; var Figlet = require("./lib/figlet-node"); Figlet.write("node.js", "epic", function(str) { 	puts(str); }); 


$("pre").figlet("jQuery", "graffiti"); 

Written for Marak to support asciimo.

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