See the Pen by luoyjx (@luoyjx) on CodePen.
Animated Scalable bar graph (d3.js) [in progress]
SVG Border Animation
Circle border animation
CSS Border Animation
Inputs from Google Material Design [WIP]
CSS Preloader Animations
CSS horizontal menu border animation on hover
border animation css only
Border Animation
Simple Animated Border
Hover Border Animation
CSS Only Border Wrapping Transition
Placeholder and border animate only css
Single Element Border Animation
svg border animation
Border animations
CSS Loader
SVG Border Animated Glow
Border Animations
SVG Border Animation 1
CSS Gradient Border + Animated
css button border animation
css dashed border animation
Border animation - button
Border Animation Effect with SVG and CSS
Image Border Animation
Button Animation Using SVG and CSS Transitions
svg circle border animation
Dashed borders animation experiment
CSS Colorful Border Animation
Simple Border Animation
menu border animate
CSS Dashed border animation
Drawing Border Animation CSS
Border animation - menu inspiration
CSS3 Draw border animation
SVG & SCSS Border Animation Effect
Border animation on hover
Bloc hover animation
Border animation