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WebCodeCam is a jQuery plugin for barcode and qr-code reading .The plugin can detect and scan the value of a barcode or qr code presented in the front of the webcam. A callback function is invoked when the image is barcode or qr code is decoded.The plugin can also control the captured zoom level, image brightness, contrast, sharpness, threshold, etc..

Plugins Video_Audio


WebCodeCam jQuery-plugin

WebCodeCam is a jQuery plugin for barcode and qr-code reading .

- Very simple usage - Some option for optimal result - Quick implementation 

This plugin is no longer supported. Please check out the new version :

This plugin is no longer supported. Please check out the new version :



  • add callback for errors (issues 07)
  • add camreaStopAll function for stop all streams (pull req. Camera stop all #3)
  • refactor variables
  • some invisible modification




  • add a new option: video source selector



  • add a new option: set the video resource maximum resolution.
  • add new demo with setting.



Included decoders

barcode decoder (DecoderWorker.js)

qr-decoder (qrcodelib.js)

Required HTML & Javascript example

<html>     <head>         <style type="text/css">                 .scanner-laser{                         position: absolute;                         margin: 40px;                         height: 30px;                         width: 30px;                 }                 .laser-leftTop{                         top: 0;                         left: 0;                         border-top: solid red 5px;                         border-left: solid red 5px;                  }                 .laser-leftBottom{                         bottom: 0;                         left: 0;                         border-bottom: solid red 5px;                         border-left: solid red 5px;                  }                 .laser-rightTop{                         top: 0;                         right: 0;                         border-top: solid red 5px;                         border-right: solid red 5px;                     }                 .laser-rightBottom{                         bottom: 0;                         right: 0;                         border-bottom: solid red 5px;                         border-right: solid red 5px;                     }         </style>     </head>     <body>         <div style="position: relative;display: inline-block;">             <canvas id="qr-canvas" width="320" height="240"></canvas>  // id="qr-canvas" is important!                  <div class="scanner-laser laser-rightBottom" style="opacity: 0.5;"></div>             <div class="scanner-laser laser-rightTop" style="opacity: 0.5;"></div>             <div class="scanner-laser laser-leftBottom" style="opacity: 0.5;"></div>             <div class="scanner-laser laser-leftTop" style="opacity: 0.5;"></div>         </div>     </body>     <script type="text/javascript" src="js/jquery.js"></script>     <script type="text/javascript" src="js/qrcodelib.js"></script>     <script type="text/javascript" src="js/WebCodeCam.js"></script>     <script type="text/javascript">     //  defalut-settings         $('#qr-canvas').WebCodeCam({             ReadQRCode: true, // false or true             ReadBarecode: true, // false or true             width: 320,             height: 240,             videoSource: {                       id: true,      //default Videosource                     maxWidth: 640, //max Videosource resolution width                     maxHeight: 480 //max Videosource resolution height             },             flipVertical: false,  // false or true             flipHorizontal: false,  // false or true             zoom: -1, // if zoom = -1, auto zoom for optimal resolution else int             beep: "js/beep.mp3", // string, audio file location             autoBrightnessValue: false, // functional when value autoBrightnessValue is int             brightness: 0, // int              grayScale: false, // false or true             contrast: 0, // int              threshold: 0, // int              sharpness: [], //or matrix, example for sharpness ->  [0, -1, 0, -1, 5, -1, 0, -1, 0]             resultFunction: function(resText, lastImageSrc) {                         /* resText as decoded code, lastImageSrc as image source                         example:                         alert(resText);                         */              },             getUserMediaError: function() {                         /* callback funtion to getUserMediaError                         example:                         alert('Sorry, the browser you are using doesn\'t support getUserMedia');                         */             },             cameraError: function(error) {                         /* callback funtion to cameraError,                          example:                         var p, message = 'Error detected with the following parameters:\n';                         for (p in error) {                                 message += p + ': ' + error[p] + '\n';                         }                         alert(message);                         */             }         });     </script> </html> 



Author: TΓ³th AndrΓ‘s



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