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jQuery Plugin to allow you to display the time since an event. PHP formats the dates on the backend, then jQuery updates the times within the browser.




Plugin to allow you to display the time since an event. PHP formats the dates on the backend, then jQuery updates the times within the browser.

PHP Usage

<?php     include('src/jquery.time.php');          //create a time variable, then send it to the function     $time=strtotime("-3 weeks");     echo "<p>".jquery_time($time)."</p>";  ?> 

jQuery Usage


More settings include:

$.time({     langFile:'../src/langs/en.json', //the location of the relevant language JSON file (in the src/langs directory)     refreshRate:60000 //how often (in ms) to refresh the times, 0 is no refresh }); 


You can find all the examples live at http://www.edmundgentle.com/snippets/time/examples/

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