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This jQuery plugin will generate a HTML5 Canvas made png to draw a β€˜squiggle’ over your text, like a strike-through or underline.You can configure the plugin, with scribble thickness; colour; intensity or leave it in its auto state, which will callibrate itself to match your text’s CSS.

Plugins Text Effect



This jQuery plugin will generate a HTML5 Canvas made png to draw a 'squiggle' over your text, like a strike-through or underline.

Plugin Site


$('.element').squiggle({ 	intensity:50, 	thickness:3, 	color:'#333', 	hover:true });

config options:

Option data type values Required Nb.
intensity int 0 -> infinity No - defaults to 30 How intense the squiggle is
thickness int 1 -> ? No -> default is auto mode Auto mode will figure out a good thickness based on your font-size
color string hex / rgb No -> defaults to colour of text squiggle will sit behind the text not on top
hover boolean true / false defaults to false enables an 'unsquiggle' on 'mouseover, and 'resquiggle' on 'mouseout'

HTML setup


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.


usage example

```javascript $('.scribble').squiggle({ intensity:60, hover:true }); ```

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