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A jQuery plugin that shows a user feed from the most popular social networks.




The jQuery plugin which shows user feeds from the most popular social networks.



Social networks supported:

  • Facebook
  • Instagram
  • Twitter
  • Google+
  • VK
  • Pinterest
  • RSS
  • Blogspot


via http://bower.io:

bower install social-feed 

or download the latest release:


Getting started

Load dependency CSS:

<!-- Social-feed css --> <link href="bower_components/social-feed/css/jquery.socialfeed.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"> <!-- font-awesome for social network icons --> <link href="//netdna.bootstrapcdn.com/font-awesome/4.0.3/css/font-awesome.css" rel="stylesheet">

Create a container for your feed:

<div class="social-feed-container"></div>

Load dependency javascript

<!-- jQuery --> <script src="bower_components/jquery/dist/jquery.min.js"></script> <!-- Codebird.js - required for TWITTER --> <script src="bower_components/codebird-js/codebird.js"></script> <!-- doT.js for rendering templates --> <script src="bower_components/doT/doT.min.js"></script> <!-- Moment.js for showing "time ago" and/or "date"--> <script src="bower_components/moment/min/moment.min.js"></script> <!-- Moment Locale to format the date to your language (eg. italian lang)--> <script src="bower_components/moment/locale/it.js"></script> <!-- Social-feed js --> <script src="bower_components/social-feed/js/jquery.socialfeed.js"></script>

Initialize the social-feed plugin:

<script>     $(document).ready(function(){         $('.social-feed-container').socialfeed({             // INSTAGRAM             instagram:{                 accounts: ['@teslamotors','#teslamotors'],  //Array: Specify a list of accounts from which to pull posts                 limit: 2,                                    //Integer: max number of posts to load                 client_id: 'YOUR_INSTAGRAM_CLIENT_ID',       //String: Instagram client id (optional if using access token)                 access_token: 'YOUR_INSTAGRAM_ACCESS_TOKEN' //String: Instagram access token             },              // GENERAL SETTINGS             length:400                                      //Integer: For posts with text longer than this length, show an ellipsis.         });     }); </script>

When you run the plugin, make sure that you have your webserver running

To alter the default post markup, edit template.html or pass a template string into the template_html parameter.

##All Settings

Social-feed.js supports many social networks. If you don't need or want to pull data from them all, remove the ones you don't need.

$('.social-feed-container').socialfeed({     // FACEBOOK     facebook:{         accounts: ['@teslamotors','!teslamotors'],  //Array: Specify a list of accounts from which to pull wall posts         limit: 2,                                   //Integer: max number of posts to load         access_token: 'YOUR_FACEBOOK_ACCESS_TOKEN'  //String: "APP_ID|APP_SECRET"     },      // TWITTER     twitter:{         accounts: ['@spacex'],                       //Array: Specify a list of accounts from which to pull tweets         limit: 2,                                    //Integer: max number of tweets to load         consumer_key: 'YOUR_CONSUMER_KEY',           //String: consumer key. make sure to have your app read-only         consumer_secret: 'YOUR_CONSUMER_SECRET_KEY', //String: consumer secret key. make sure to have your app read-only         tweet_mode: 'compatibility'                  //String: change to "extended" to show the whole tweet      },      // VK     vk:{         accounts: ['@125936523','#teslamotors'],    //Array: Specify a list of accounts from which to pull posts         limit: 2,                                   //Integer: max number of posts to load         source: 'all'                               //String: VK API post filter. Possible values: "Owner","Others","all","suggests"     },      // GOOGLEPLUS     google:{          accounts: ['#teslamotors'],                //Array: Specify a list of accounts from which to pull posts          limit: 2,                                  //Integer: max number of posts to load          access_token: 'YOUR_GOOGLE_PLUS_ACCESS_TOKEN'//String: G+ access token      },      // INSTAGRAM     instagram:{         accounts: ['@teslamotors','#teslamotors'],  //Array: Specify a list of accounts from which to pull posts         limit: 2,                                   //Integer: max number of posts to load         client_id: 'YOUR_INSTAGRAM_CLIENT_ID',       //String: Instagram client id (option if using access token)         access_token: 'YOUR_INSTAGRAM_ACCESS_TOKEN' //String: Instagram access token     },      // PINTEREST      pinterest:{         accounts: ['@teslamotors/model-s','@me'],   //Array: Specify a list of accounts from which to pull posts                                                     //@me to pull your pins                                                     //@user/board to pull pins from a user board         limit: 2,                                   //Integer: max number of posts to load         access_token: 'YOUR_PINTEREST_ACCESS_TOKEN' //String: Pinterest client id     },      // RSS      rss:{         urls: ['http://teslapodcast.libsyn.com/rss'], //Array: Specifiy a list of rss feed from which to pull posts         limit: 2                                      //Integer: max number of posts to load for each url     }      // GENERAL SETTINGS     length:400,                                     //Integer: For posts with text longer than this length, show an ellipsis.     show_media:true,                                //Boolean: if false, doesn't display any post images     media_min_width: 300,                           //Integer: Only get posts with images larger than this value     update_period: 5000,                            //Integer: Number of seconds before social-feed will attempt to load new posts.     template: "bower_components/social-feed/template.html",                         //String: Filename used to get the post template.     template_html:                                  //String: HTML used for each post. This overrides the 'template' filename option     '<article class="twitter-post"> \     <h4>{{=it.author_name}}</h4><p>{{=it.text}}  \     <a href="{{=it.link}}" target="_blank">read more</a> \     </p> \     </article>',     date_format: "ll",                              //String: Display format of the date attribute (see http://momentjs.com/docs/#/displaying/format/)     date_locale: "en",                              //String: The locale of the date (see: http://momentjs.com/docs/#/i18n/changing-locale/)     moderation: function(content) {                 //Function: if returns false, template will have class hidden         return  (content.text) ? content.text.indexOf('fuck') == -1 : true;     },     callback: function() {                          //Function: This is a callback function which is evoked when all the posts are collected and displayed         console.log("All posts collected!");     } });


Ordering / sorting

Please note, when using a custom template, that the ordering mechanism depends on the dt-create attribute.




Found a bug or want a feature to be implemented? Please report it here https://github.com/pavelk2/social-feed/issues

Currently we work on server side: (https://github.com/pavelk2/social-feed-server)

Let us know

If you use this plugin, please write us a short message with a link to the project where you embed the plugin, and some features you want to have implemented here. It helps us to stay focused on the important issues. It is not mandatory, but we really appreciate it!

Do you want to become a part of the Social-feed? Write us and become an active contributor.

Join the chat at https://gitter.im/pavelk2/social-feed

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